A Place of Nightmares Chapter 11 - Strange Revelations.

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I came awake at about four o'clock the following afternoon. The migraine was gone and I was starving. I wandered into the kitchen and found everyone gathered there. Aide had set up all his equipment there. The family were gathered around Aide's laptop watching something on the screen with wrapped attention.

"Afternoon." I said startling everyone.

Aide looked up. "Hello sunshine, you need to see this." He hit a button on the laptop and everyone moved so I could come see. I noticed screens had been erected across the back of the kitchen where the door to the cellar stood. Aide had drawn devil traps on them. The room was safe for now. It also explained Lucy and Macy's presence here. Before I hadn't really wanted them in here.

"I'll make you some food." Maggie said leaving her place beside Aide, and moving to the fridge.

"On no! You don't have to-" I began, Maggie waved me away. She wanted to make something for me, it was so something to do.

"Okay thanks." I smiled at her, she smiled back.

I joined the others in their huddle around the laptop.

"Watch this." Said Aide.

I watched the screen. I saw Aide returning after setting up the cameras, then the hallway fell dark and silent. Aide forwarded through two hours of nothing then, started the footage up again. For a second or two, the hall remained dark. Then the sensors clicked on their LED lights and something moved into view from the dark end of the hall.

Orbs, masses of them. Floating silently through the semi darkness. As I watched I realized they were not just the ghostly intangible Ignus Fatus that usually described the light anomalies, said to be wandering souls presenting as balls of light or energy. There were visibly discernible shapes amongst these ones. A man wearing a hat, a ghostly nun, a shambling mental patient in a straight jacket. I was eerily reminded of a similar scene in the old Speilberge film Poltergiest. In a similar scenario to ours the characters were watching time-lapse photography of spirits coming down the stairs. Only there was none of the bright flares of light and majestic music in the scene we witnessed. The only light was from the LED's and the cameras. The spirits passing by cloaked in darkness. There was a sadness about them. They were trapped here. Reliving the moment of their deaths over and over. Or wandering aimlessly.

I watched the hypnotic spectacle almost feeling sleepy when suddenly the lights and figures took off in one fast stream, heading for the stairs. It was almost like watching a stampede.

As I watched the darkness at the end of the hall took on a life of it's own. Speeding towards the nearest camera. Two of the lights fell on their sides in the wake of the thing, but despite the sudden darkness, the white angry face leering into the camera at us was unmistakable. Mrs Tweed. She had returned in the early morning, no doubt pissed she couldn't get at us.

She leered into the camera and said "Ssssssssshhhhhhannnnnniia!!!!!!" It sounded like a serpent's hiss. She knew who I was, she knew my name. She had marked me.

The family was now safe. I was the one she was after now. Well if it was a fight she wanted she'd get one.

Everyone looked at me expectantly, Maggie came over with a plate and cup for me. A heavenly smelling cheese omelette and a cup of Hazelnut coffee.

I sat quietly down, and said to Aide, "Aiden, call Father Lonnigan." Aide nodded and headed in to the other room.

"Who's Father Lonnigan?" Asked Martin.

"He's a good friend of ours, he's worked with us before." I replied.

"Okay, what do we need him for?" Asked Maggie.

I took a forkful of her wonderful omelette and replied, "He's an Exorcist ."

Everyone was very quiet quiet after this. The only sounds were my knife and fork, and the clock ticking. Needless to say, I knew we were being watched.

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