A Place of Nightmares Chapter 12 Father Jim.

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Father Jim Lonnigan sat on the patio of St Stephen's rectory in Philadelphia. The day was growing long, it was fine and warm. A lovely summer evening. He picked up his almost finished bottle of Corona and scratched Buffy the chocolate lab on the head.

Jim grinned, how surprised his parish and been to discover he and Father Clooney had a dog! What? Like Priests couldn't enjoy the company of a pet too. They were obviously forgetting St Francis of Assisi. Who happened to be Jim's favorite Saint.

They'd be horrified to see him enjoying a Corona! He chuckled thinking of old Father McDonald his own Parish Priest in his home town of Hammond, Louisiana. Poor old guy liked a nip of Brandy before retiring for the night. Some nosey old biddy found out and it was round the town in two seconds flat that he was an alcoholic.

Imagine if they found the nice looking young priest from St Stephen's enjoying some good Mexican brew! Good gracious.

Buffy got up and trotted over to the table where Jim's cell phone lay. The dog whined and bumped the phone with her big chocolate nose.

"Hmmm? Need to call Lassie girl? Maybe Napoleon?" Jim chuckled, then started as the phone began ringing, The Ghostbuster's theme. Aiden Delgado.

Jim hadn't heard from Aiden and Shania in a while, not since he left Seattle for his new post in Philadelphia.

He had assumed that business was quiet for them, or rather he hoped it had. Some of the things they got tangled up in were dangerous, demonic and terrifying.

Jim had been involved in two house "cleanings" and one Excorcism. Frightening for everyone involved, including him, testing his Faith to the limit.

He was however a certified Exorcist, after Aiden and Shania had saved him from a Demon haunting his family home in Hammond when he was still just a student. Jim saw the need for such a speciality and took the grueling trials on, hoping it would be a skill he wouldn't need often, but would be there in case it was ever called for.

Jim swallowed, his fingers cold and his throat dry, despite the good brew he had just finished. He picked up his phone, hoping to God it was a social call. Aiden had barley launched into the tale, and Jim knew it wasn't.

The Ghosthunters had happened across something very bad indeed. Jim listened as Aide filled him in. By the time he got off the phone, Jim was shaking.

He hurried inside with Buffy, closing the doors and windows and shrugging into a sweater despite the kind summer night. He then had a very long call to the local Bishop, and then to the Vatican to gain permission.

Brewing a pot of strong Kenyan Blend, he picked up his bible and said all the necessary prayers. He went over the lessons in Excorsism, even thought he knew them by heart.

Stalling after he finished his prayer and study, he dumped a can of chili and sausages into a pan and heated it on the stove. His roommate Father Clooney was away on retreat but due back tomorrow. He would fill Dan in when he arrived.

Jim slowly ate his dinner, making notes and looking up the numbers he had to call.

He fed Buffy, and feeling antsy, clipped her leash to her collar and went for a walk around the block. The warm night still not dissipating the chill in his bones.

When he returned home it was eight thirty PM. He could put it off no longer, he went into the Rectory office and dialed the number for the Bishop.

The older gentleman picked up on the third ring, "Bishop John Statler?"

Jim had called a private line only he and the other priests had.

"Hello John? It's Jim Lonnigan."

"Jim! What can I do for you?"

"I need your help John, but I warn you, you're not going to like it."

Jim then went on to tell Bishop John of the plight of the O'Donnell family and the threat to his friend's.

He was right, John wasn't happy, but only because of the circumstances. He rang off promising Jim he would be calling the Vatican immediately on Jim's behalf and making it very clear the permission they needed for Jim to travel to Devon and put his Exorcism skills into practice.

John however, was positive it would be granted immediately as children were at risk, and it was a house they were Excorising, not a person.

Jim thanked him and hung up, glad to be relieved of that difficult call. He then fired up his lap top and logged onto a travel sight, looking for flights to London for the end of the week, John positive they would have permission granted by then.

As Jim scanned the prices and schedules he had trouble typing and kept hitting the wrong key. His hands were shaking. Had he been asked, Father Jim would happily admit it, he was scared.

After he was done here, he would go spend sometime in his Church, light some candles and pray for the strength he was going to need. But first he had to call Aiden back, letting them know that he would be coming. Albeit relunctantly, he was coming.

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