A Place of Nightmares Chapter 19 Terror at the Inn.

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Martin and Maggie sat quietly in the back of the rental car being used by the clergy men. Maggie was holding back tears, a huge lump in her throat. That poor woman. She had come into their haunted house trying to put the dead to rest and almost been killed. Her kids were terrified.

This had been her idea, and Martin had pounced on it.

Moving to the countryside was supposed to be a fresh start, safer for the kids and Corky. Now they were living in fear.

"You two okay back there?" Asked Cardinal Snell.

Maggie liked him already. He had a gentle manner and a slight German accent.

"I'm not sure." Maggie sighed, and Martin put his arm around her rubbing her shoulder.

"Fear not, we've seen worse than this before!" He replied.

Maggie sat forward her eyes wide, "You have?"

"Yes, why-" Cardinal Snell began when suddenly the day got darker. Something dark like a storm cloud was passing over head. At first Maggie thought it might be a cloud, there had been thunder heads on the horizon as they waited in the yard. However it was moving way to fast.

It passed over the top of the sedan and Cardinal Snell brought the car to a skidding stop in the middle of the dirt road, the car sliding out and gravel flying.

"Good Lord help us!" He said.

They watched the black shape pass in front of the car and go careening off down the road.

"What?" Asked Martin, "What was that?"

"That was trouble! We better get going!" He said and stood on the gas.

Maggie was suddenly feeling even more desperate to get to the Inn, her babies were there, and they were not.

Suddenly it dawned on Maggie what that black shape was. It was Mrs Tweed. She had escaped the house and was rushing towards the Inn, going after Macy.

"Please hurry!" She gasped as Snell careered around a corner almost collecting a tractor traveling in the opposite direction.

Martin was frantically dialing Jay's cell phone. "Hello Jay? Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine," Jay replied, "Where are you?"

"We're coming we got out, but something else did too, don't take your eyes off your sisters. Something's coming after you. We'll be there soon."

"Dad? What's going -" the call cut off.

"Damn!" Martin swore, "Sorry Father!" He quickly gasped, blushing furiously.

"Quite all right young man!" He replied cutting another corner.

Martin tried dialing Jay's phone again, nothing but static came back. He tried again and this time, through the static came the scratchy voice of Dianne Tweed, "They're mine!" And the phone cut out again.

Maggie closed her eyes and prayed they would make it in time.


Dr McCallister came over to assess my injuries, when he was satisfied I wasn't any worse, he carefully helped me to the couch and tried to make me comfortable.

Jim and Cardinal Ambrose were discussing what to do next when Jim's cell phone rang.

"Hello? George?"

"Jim, we're en route to the Inn, something followed us, we think it's the Tweed phantom!"

"What can we do? We're trapped, and the witch just attacked again!"

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