❀breaking and entering ❀

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I woke up to loud banging on my door,
"Who is it",I mumble loud enough for them to hear,
"Get up we're going",I hear Alyssa shout,
"Ughhhhh",I roll out of bed and get dressed in the same clothes,

I'm about to leave when my phone starts to ring,

"Hello?",I answer as I walk out,
"Have you and Alyssa eaten?",Her voice bellows from the other end of the phone,
"Yeah, we got something last night",I reassure her,
"We'll be back soon, you know how Alyssa can be",I sigh as I pay for the room,
"Added price for late checkout",The woman says and I throw her an extra ten pound,

"Alright, Just ring if you need a lift and don't do anything stupid",She sighs down the phone,
"Right then, bye",I say before hanging up the phone,

My mother was unfazed by the situation,
Alyssa and I had 'ran away' multiple times, only to come back a couple of days or hours later,

There was 90£ in her purse and knowing Alyssa would want to spend it all I hid it in my bra,

"What took you so long?",She asked giving me her signature, angry look,
"Mum",I say pointing at my phone,
"You answered?",She asked rolling her eyes,
"Unlike your parents my mum isn't a prick",I roll my eyes and lead the way out,

"My dads not a prick",James said as he caught up,
"You him and stole his car",I say trying to read the signs of where we're going to next,
"But he's not a prick",He shrugged looking at me,
"Well then your a prick",I say and turn to look for Alyssa,

"Where to?",I ask her as she catches up,
"We could get a train to your dads",James suggested as we walked through the field,

Alyssa ignored him,
"Well, shall we?",He asked after no reply,
"What?",She asked,
"We should stay the night somewhere near first",I say after noticing Alyssa's contemplation in her eyes,

"Are we still going?",He asked her ignoring me,
"Yeah, obviously",She snapped,

"Relax,It's too early for this shit",I groan and walk in between them,

"We should lay low for a bit",She said making him stop in his tracks,
"Why?",He asked narrowing his eyes down at her,
"Because we robbed a guy James",I say pushing him forward so he'll walk,

"He assaulted me",He looked at me confused,
"Doesn't matter",Alyssa said from the front,
"He'll deny it",I nod my bed at him,
Poor unfortunate soul.

They kept arguing so I stayed out of their relationship problem or whatever by looking for a nearby food and piss stop,

Eventually we got to what looked like a holiday home,
Is breaking and entering the best way to stay low?",James asked clearly worried,

"James",I shake my head and place my hand on his shoulder,
"Think of it as if this house is ours and we've lost our keys",I nod to myself approving,

We walk in and I go straight to the kitchen,
"Can either of you cook?",I shout in from the kitchen and get no answer,

"Did you hear me?",I ask walking into the room they were in,
"Hey",Alyssa saying pointing at drawer of alcohol,
My eyes instantly light up,
"Throw It here Babe",I say holding out my hand,
She throws it to my and I take afew swigs before throwing it back,

Alyssa, unfortunately isn't a very good catch,
So the bottle smashed off of the ground,
Alyssa and I shrugged leaving poor James still in shock from breaking in,

She hands James a bottle,
"Can either of you cook?",I repeat my question from earlier,
James raises his hand,
"Make us something",I plop onto the sofa,

They ignore me and walk upstairs leaving me to do my own discovering,

I search through a few drawers,

I get to the last drawer and pull out a small box,
I open it and see aload of Polaroids and a video camera,
Before I get a chance to look at them Alyssa calls,
"Food!",From outside,

I'll check them later,
They're probably just boring family photos.

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