❀Well And Truly Fucked ❀

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I'm so.so.so.so. Happy with how this fanfic is going.

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James and I stood there,
My clothes soaked in blood,
Both of us stiff as a statue.
How will we get out of this one.

A few hours earlier.......

"Shes gone",James trotted down the stairs,
"What?",I asked whilst taking a swig of whatever type of cheap tequila this was,
"Alyssa, she's not In the room",He paced around the house,
"She'll be back relax",I slurred,
He stopped abruptly,"Are you drunk?",He asked tilting his head,
"No",I let out an over exaggerated laugh,

"Come on",He let out a sigh,
"Where are we going?,I ask as he pulls me up the stairs,
"Your sleeping and I'm going to look for Alyssa",He said as he walked me into the bedroom,
"Ok",And that's the last thing I remember before falling asleep,

Suddenly I'm awoken by a light,
Taking a few minutes for my eyes to adjust I sit there confused,
I open my eyes to see that guy on the back of the book,
Oh fuck.

I sit up quickly,
Neither Alyssa or James in sight,
"How did you get in here?",He asks whilst holding up what looks like a poker for the fire,
"The-I...Door",I stutter making me sound like a complete twat but that was the least of my worries,

All of the videos and photos come flooding back into my mind,
Oh god.
"I'm sorry",I say taking sharp breaths,
"It's ok",He says and places down the poker,
He takes a few breaths,
"You just gave me a shock,that's all",He sighs,

A teenage girl gave a rapist a shock.
"Are you in trouble?Needed somewhere to stay?",He asked,
'Get out of here',I say over and over again in my head,

"No",I try not to sound pathetic but fail,
"You on your own?",He asked looking around,
Oh no.

I can't tell him about James and Alyssa that will just put them in danger,
"Yeah",I say taking slow breaths trying to remain calm,

"Ok",He says and closes the door slowly,
I move back into the headboard,
There's no way out.
My eyes start to well up but I hold back the tears,

"You made a bit of a mess downstairs. Didn't you?",He sat at the end of the bed,

"You've been eating my porridge as well Goldie locks",He says bouncing on the bed,
"What?",I say but it comes out as a whisper,
"Porridge?",I ask,

"Just stay still",He says grabbing my wrists,
"No",I try to pull back,
"You gonna make this difficult?",He glared,
I bit my lip trying not to burst out in tears,
I lean forward and spit in his face,
"Pathetic",I say trying to pull back but failing again,
"Are you a virgin?",He asked after he noticed my eyes watering,
"No",I say through gritted teeth,

His hand comes in contact with my face causing a stinging sensation,
I groan and try to push him off but he's on top of me now,
I start crying and kicking in all directions,
It's no use.
But then something happens,
His grip loosens,

I look up and see a hole in his neck, squirting out blood,
The blood falls onto me making me gag,
He falls off of me leaving me in shock lying with blood soaked clothes,
I look over and see James.
The man tried to stand but quickly falls onto the ground,

He's standing with the bloody knife in his hand trembling,
I slowly sat up and walked over to James,
We stood there,
Me in blood soaked clothes,
Him with a bloody knife,
Both of us as stiff as a statue,
"Are you a virgin?",He asked staring down at the mess he'd made,
"Yes",I say quickly,
"So am I",He said as if this made the situation better,
"Yeah ,no shit",I snap back,
Suddenly James hurled and vomited all over the floor,

"What've you done?",I say more than ask as I watch the blood form into a puddle around the rapist,
"He was going to hurt you",He said making my stomach drop,
I turn around and i envelope him into a hug,
He stiffens but eventually calms,
"Thank you",I say as I clutch onto the boy who's still in shock himself,

I pull back and look at the blood soaked floor again,
"Where's Alyssa?",I gulp hoping she's safe downstairs,
"I couldn't find her",He stared at the knife,
"What are we going to do?",I groan thinking of what he's done,

"Move the body",He suggests,
We tried that,
And I was right,
James wasn't really a strong person but neither was I,
So that put moving the body out of the question,
"Come on",I sigh and walk towards the door,
"Shall we go to the police",He stays in the spot,
"What?",I stop in my tracks confused,
"It was self defense",He breathes heavily,
"They won't believe you",I said calmly,
"It's the truth",He stared down at the body,
"We need to get rid of any trace of us",I sigh,
"Go find some bleach",I say snapping him out of his trance,

He scurried out of the room leaving me in there,

We are well and truly fucked.

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