❀Running on Empty ❀

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Frodo,James and I sat in the car driving down the country road,
Frodo was babbling like a crazy man and every once and awhile me and James would exchange a look of  'if he doesn't shut the fuck up' kind of look,
"He can't stay with us",He barely whispered to me,
"He'll just get into trouble",He explained,
I nodded in agreement,
He was right,
We were about to get this innocent kid caught up
In a murder wrap and possibly get him shot by some thugs who's car we were sitting in,

"James",I said aloud,
He jumped abit and replied, "Yeah?",
He asked,
"I need to pee",I say crossing my legs,
"There's nowhere to stop",He looked around and back at me,
He quickly caught on to my plan and pulled over,
"Frodo, do you need to go?",I turn to look at him,
"Yeah",He laughed aloud,
Frodo jumped out of the car and ran to the side of the road,
"Drive!",I shout at James,
The engine Revs and we fly up the road,
I turn in my seat and catch a glimpse of Frodo,
He's standing in the middle of the road like a lost dog,
"I feel bad",I stare ahead ,
"Don't, you just helped him",He smiled at me,

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After about two hours of laughing and talking we pull over so I could use the phone booth,
"Hello?",My mother said through the phone,
"Mum",I say through the phone after a moment of silence,
"Where the fuck are you!?",She whisper yelled through the phone,
"The police hauled me up to the station talking about a murder!",I said abit louder,
"We're going to stay somewhere for awhile",I explain bluntly,
"What do you think this is?, running on empty?!",My Mum snapped through the phone,
"You can't keep running",She warned,
"I'll see you soon Mum",I hung up the phone,

Maybe she's right..maybe we would turn ourselves in ..

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