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Well it been a couple of days since I married into the cullens and my father. Is getting ready to marry Jane and I love how I am .love my carlise and the other and how. They came me there Bella but I'm so happy that I can bet here for dad wedding today

And then later me and Edward are heading out for a honeymoon because we need to be keeping .the people of froks in the dark about. Vampires and we need to make. It look good afternoon my honeymoon with edward one of the others are going to came .and meet me and that's a good thing

Because I am going to be alone in a honeymoon with each and everyone of. My husband's and wives and I'm happy ya me Bella sawn is now getting everything she wanted. And I'm so happy .

Bella : hay dad you ready because today it going to be you and. Jane Volturi getting married and I can tell that both are very nervous and excited for it aren't you

Charile: that's an understatement I never thought that I would find someone who will want to be with me for the right reasons and everything so watch he's a vampire but she's my vampire pretty funny though that we are both sitting in with this better world

Bella : I guess you could say we were just meant to be in this type of world Dad when I mean come on with everything the mom put you through in that is about time for you to have that happiness that you deserve I mean I pretty much have to raise her and she was supposed to be raising me

Charile: and she couldn't cook a lick that mean one time she tried to cook us dinner and it was almost like chocolate candles member that holy moly I don't want to even have to think of that again

Bella : something that you never knew that when I was 11 and 10 I used to go pick her up at the bar and drive that people catch them hard but I had to get her home safe without her end of killing someone she was so drunk I didn't know what to do or I would ask a teenager that I knew that was old enough to drive to drive me to pick her up that's why I did most of the time cuz I didn't want to risk the driving too often but you know what I mean

Charile: it seems like you were always the one taking care of her when is supposed to be the other way around if I knew about that at that time I would have had custody of you because that was something she shouldn't have been doing

Bella : well I could not let her be and fend for herself and everything because that's a really good thing to tell you the truth I want to make sure everything is going to be absolutely perfect for when you get married in everything and I know now that she is safe with Phil but for some reason I have a feeling that she's not doing so good lately because I got a call form Phil be worry about her and everything

Charile: that's good thing your mother has him and everything now to try and help get her back on track and stuff but you're right she always doodle out of hell that things happen and relapse and everything like that at least I can also see you say that I'm proud of the woman that you grew up to be you're a fine young woman and I'm glad that you have found the love and everything that you deserve

Bella : thanks Dad but you know what I think we need to do right now is get you when your monkey suit as you like to call it because it's a thing call you getting married shortly

Charile: yes you're right and I would do anything for my soon-to-be wife on this day in that but I do feel kind of weird about going to wear this monkey suit but if it's what she wants me to wear I'll wear it for the sake of the love I have with her

Bella : yeah well I'm going to go and help her get ready with the girls and stuff the guys are going to come down and keep you from freaking out cuz you definitely look like you could use somebody around with her right now

When I said that carlise show up by my bad and I kiss. His check on the way out and he smiled


Carilse POV

I watched as Bella went to help Jane and the others grils and me and edward and jasper and emmett try to help charile feel ready for when he was going to be getting married to jane this something that I know that is a good thing for the both of them

Carilse: you ready for charile

Charile: ya it a good thing and I'm happy that Bella as all of you so how it going to be wroking for the bella and you guys and the honeymoon

Carlise: well Bella going to head out with edward frist for a few weeks and she going be with me and so on he's going to get to have a one-on-one honeymoon with each other one every one of us and then she's going to get one with all of us together so she's going to get it out 8 honeymoons

Charile: well I can honestly say that my baby girl is definitely going to be looked after and she's definitely who you do have a good time Yanks

We all couldn't help but laugh but we need one day for sure we had to get ready to help him get down there to get married to jane everything is going to be perfect once that happens or him least we know the life is looking up for us all and I bet the girls are doing okay and it Really good if you ask me I am happy that Bella will know her dad is just happy as well