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Emmett POV

Why Bella and Carlisle and Esme and Edward are way I'm checking out to make sure nothing going on around here .and everything is going to be took care for the safety of all the ones here because we still don't know what Victoria is going to be doing we don't know when she's going to come back and everything cuz she's definitely going to want to have her revenge

Alec : well it's a good thing that you will pass around here making sure everything's going to be okay because I do not want anything happening around here that shouldn't be and if I have to report all the way back to Italy I will make sure that everyone around here and stay safe

Emmett: I know that you will be man and it appears that you are doing really good and everything out and just her both seem more happy since you came out here

Alec : I'm happy that my sister was able to find the love of her life even if it is a human kind of funny thing though that he's the chief of police and everything going on here and right now they're all the way on their own little Private Island which is kind of cool

Emmett: yes well if I know Carlisle he's going to be spoiling everyone in our family so of course he did that for your sister and Charlie and make sure we all get everything that we want which is nice but sometimes we really think he needs to start taking care of himself more cuz he's burning the candle at both ends

Alec : it's a good thing that you guys said you all want to give him some time and everything with you guys individually and have a nice special trip within miles quietly and stuff to make sure he gets what he needs because to tell you the truth I have seen how busy he can be special but everything he's had to do for you guys lately

Emmett: I don't see nothing major at her so far on this grammar check to you

Alec : I don't see much ether and everything and it a good thing they were making sure everything's going to be okay for the right reasons and stuff around here

With that Leah and the Wovles came around to help and it nice seeing everyone be able to stand together and. Get to the bottom of it all before it to late and everything  it. The best we can do

Emmett: hey I don't know about you guys but I think I just put it on some trail about somebody watching us and everything I think we better get a closer look cuz I do not want no problems and everything when Bella gets back want to keep her safe because if I know which one is around she is going to be making her her Target for sure

With that we all ran off I know where being watched and everything and it a possibility that were being fault as well maybe we need to figure this out for sure and I have a feeling that there's other drama going to be going on with Bella's mother too because for some reason I was said that she is definitely in or had these days


Mystery POV

Well it seems the Cullen's can tell that there being watched and. Everything right now and I know that I'm going to be needing to get a message to Victoria . because I know that she's definitely going to want to take a revenge and everything because she just lost her son and stuff like that sometimes I feel like this she doesn't even understand what she's doing anymore

you know I think I'm going to watch closely to figure out how I can help her build while she needs to get her revenge and stuff like that for now

Shit I better leave because Emmett is coming and that not a good thing because if sees me right now it going to be firing everything that Victoria has planned right now needs to be stopped one way or another


Victoria's POV

do not know what's going on in Forks right now and everything right now but I have people looking out so I can figure out exactly what I'm going to make my next move cuz I am not about to let them get away with what happened to my son

Oh I'm so going to be revenging him cuz he was my son and everything like that and if I can't have my family neither can the Cullen's and. Everything and I found out that Bella is not here right now so I'm going to wait and everything .and herad that her brith mother is off her rocker and everything right. Now and I know that .it not going to be easy if you ask me now

So maybe I mind tried and see if I can use her mother as part of my plane because I so am going to get what I want let's just hope that I can get to do it soon


Alice's POV

all the sudden I had a vision I have a feeling that Victoria is going to get ready to make her moves and stuff soon and I think she might try to use Renee against Bella we're going to have to be ready for when the time comes cuz I want to make sure there's no drama when Bella gets back

going to have to make sure it's safe for all I know right now is better than we make sure we keep her away safe with whoever she's with right now for a while so she can have the rest of her honeymoon some of the others that maybe is better off that carlise  the one with her now