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Dr carlise Cullen: he the main husband in his family of mates he so happy now that Bella is now one of them in his mates and he can't wait till she comes a vampire that going to be with them forever and that  a good thing because he we'll always be there for her and the others and he pround of the kids he and his mate have

Esme Cullen: she is the main wife because she was he is frist wife and she loves all her husband's and wives together as well and that a good thing she love to care of her family need and stuff like that and she wroks in fashion design and planning weddings and parties and stuff like that she's an event planner and she loves that her job as well

Alice Cullen : she loves her family is happy that Bella is now there wife and she loves being a mother and watching them grow up it was hard for when she 4 babies but she doing great and happy she still her power which is can have vision and everything and it perfect for her because of these visions the cullens have been able to have so much 💰🤑💸or the years because she know what she doing and carlise and Esme work hard to keep the 💸💰coming and everything and now that Alice don't need to be going high school right now because they just got out of she going to be wroking with Esme for bit and College after she takes the Gap here with all of her others

Edward cullen : is happy to have Bella be married into the coven and in the eyes of the human wrold she married to him only but he also love his mates and will do anything he can for them all

Rosealie Cullen : she loves having all her husband's and wives years ago she was bitter at frist with everything that was going on but now she a mother and loving life and she going to be opening her auto mechanics shop and that going to be great and everything she loves having Bella a there new wife

Emmett cullen : still the same care free guy he was but a lot more mature and everything since he came and father and he loves the fact that Bell is now part of their life is a husband to her he's going to do the best you can for her and his other wives of husbands as well and he can wait to watch he kids grwon now that he done hight school he going to wrok with charile as a police officer

Jasper cullens. : Loves is wives and husbands and his kids well do everything he can. To protect his family and he is going to be working long Charlie and emmett as a police officer as well because he skills from the day that he was in the war and army of newborns years ago and might come in handy

Bella Swan Cullen : yes T Smiley married into the family and getting ready to start her life but then and then I was going honeymoon and everything they're going to do together is going to be perfect she's going to Bayshore the nothing goes wrong until the time comes where to be a vampire she hopes and nothing goes wrong at all because she wants to watch all the kids grow and everything in one day have kids with the guys ourselves she wants to be the best you can be and live her life happy let's just hope no drama and her family.or Anything with Victoria comes up

Jane Volturi : Is getting married to Charlie sawn and is going to. Be more of my mother to Bella then Renee ever was and she going. To be the best wife and do her job as graud with her brother why where out here so she always with her husband the cullens are family to her

Charile sawn : Bella's dad is looking forward to getting married and everything to Jane and living this life with her not having to deal with anything but I'm his ex-wife Renee hopefully nothing will come back because she had put him and Bella thought hell

Wovles : are friends and family to the cullens and  be imprinting on the kids as they get older

Voutri: are there when they need them as friends and family and they can. Be count on because all they want is to keep the humans and  Vampires wrold safe and let human. Live without fear