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Carilse POV
We watched as Jane and Charlie had a great wedding and everything and it was soon getting over. And charile and Jane would be leaving for there honeymoon to the island that I had got form them me and charile and alice had took care of everything because he. Want to be speaicl for her and .she said that she always to go to Greece and she loved Islands as well so what better place to get her Island just off Greece

I could tell that charile was not sure about accepting the island from us as a wedding gift to the two of them but I told him they were family and they deserve to have the best anything to me let's just hope the two of them have a good time when we leave and any minutes after they leave Bella and Edward will be leaving for their honeymoon and later on I will meet Bella for another one with me she's going to be able to be so happy cuz she'll get one with each and everyone of us at different times

Being the doctor for centuries has its advantages then again with all the money I make I be able to save it up over the centuries and plus Alice's eye for detail in the stock market helps as well. Sometimes I don't know where we would be if it wasn't for her she could tell which ones we should have Esten which ones we shouldn't and all the different accounts that I have money so of everywhere there's definitely no lack of funds for us for sure

I took my time and watched my whole family as I mean my mates my spouse's as they were enjoying themselves at my father-in-law's wedding kind of weird of Charlie that's but that's what he is it was nice though

Bella: hay it looks like you keep staring at my father

Carilse: well I'm happy to welcome him and you into the family ( winks at her because there are humans around and they need to make it look good for them )

Bella : yes and we are happy to be part of ( wink at him yes the wink is the way for all of them to say I love you in the human world ) and I know one thing Jane is looking forward to her honeymoon with my dad even she don't know where she going  and she asked me if I knew but I told her I had know idea .

Carilse: yes well your dad want to keep that way because he knows that you cave if put under pressure of everyone keeping at you to figure out exactly what's going on so yeah I think it was a good way and besides I knew what it was too well because both me and Alice help it was a wedding gift form us and that all I'm telling you for now

The reason why I had said that because Bella doesn't know about the ilsand we have for her yet and it going to be a bit so I'm going to let find. That out went edward take her there and he going to spend sometime with her there and. Later I'm going to after because he going to take her somewhere else before it my trun with her where each going to spend a part of the individual honeymoons that were going to do with her on that island but we're also going to take her someplace besides so she gets to break up the honeymoon's between both places

Bella : well is that was a good thing that you kept it that way so I don't find out about what's going on for Charlie and Jane and tell them and I suppose you guys got something playing for me and Edward;-)

We laughed at that and after are time talking and everything in the wedding reception was over Charlie and Jane left and shortly after so did edward and Bella

Ya Bella is going. To see what it means to be married to the cullens because I do believe that I should take good care of my spouse and that's the one thing that will do because they mean the wrold to me and that. What matter the most right now and everything and it a good thing

Edward : well it a good thing that all of the humans are gone now after charile and Jane left and where all back to have are privacy and everything right now me and Bella are getting ready to leave first thing in the morning

Carilse: yes the two of you are and I want the two of you to be very well. After and take care of yourselves while you're gone because I love you too much I don't want to say anything to happen to you I mean after all you are one of my husband she's one of my wife's I need to know that you're okay

Edward ; kiss carlise) we will be love now I think before me and her leave tomorrow that maybe me and you can have sometime together because we have not had that for a while and everything is great and all but it be nice for that Esme want some lone time with bella tonight before me and Bella leave tomorrow I mean you and Esme are.the main husband and wife of us all the head of the coven and that great so I'm the one that gets the frist honeymoon with Bella because of the way humans need to be thinking.and when. We are gone done wrok to Hard and stuff . I will not so how it going to wrok when it your time to be will Bella on the next honeymoon after mind and her.

Carilse :well I'm going to tell the people here that I'm taking Esme away for awhile and went me and Bella are gone you and Esme will be together somewhere having a lone time and went it time for me to come back Esme may you will be with one of the others why there with Bella because we need to make it look that your with her all the time. And we are with who are you still look like we're with

And he knew that would work and I can't wait for to be the best we can have and I'm so looking forward to showing Bella how much she belong with us .and right now I'm going to have my night with edward before he and Bella leave in the morning why she. Gets time with Esme and then let's hope we can all have fun to give Bella the honeymoon's of dreams