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Charile POV

Wow it so werid just a couple days ago was my daughters weddings because she had to of them and today I was getting married and. I can't. Wait to see my beautiful Jane Volturi when she walks down to me because she my everything .and she gets me more then any other woman that I was with and that a good thing.because she my true love and that what. Matters the most and stuff

Because I feel it time taht my beautiful Jane. Needs to be happy because she be alone so long that I'm going to see that my.soon to. Be wife will never need to feel that way again

Carilse: hay Charlie it time for you and the rest of us who are stading up for you to be taking are places because it only of matter of time and Jane Volturi will be your wife

Charile: yes and I'm happy about that it so werid that me and my daughter fit better into your world then we did the human world but I would not change it any other way and that it great and everything it makes me so happy that I can fially be with the one I meant to be because she get me ever better then her mother did

Carilse: yes and we can tell you should know that Bella and the other girls are getting ready so let's go


Jane Volturi POV

I'm fially going to be getting my happy ever after and I don't care that it with a human because I know that charile loves. Me for me and now it time for me to be walking down to him and I'm happy that my brother and aro are going to. Be doing that and it makes me feel happy

Bella : you ready for Jane because I know that my dad is waiting for you and now that me and grils have you ready it time and then after that we have the wedding party for you and .then you and my father are off on your honeymoon and sorry I can't tell you the things I don't even know where he's taking you

Jane : damn I wish I knew cuz I really would like to know how to dress and be prepared at everything for that

Aliec : oh you don't need to worry about that so much I already took care of all that for you because he asked me to help him because he was told that I was good and that stuff and he did not tell Bella because he wants to keep that to you and him because if she gets put on the spot she cave that was what charile said

Bella :well my dad knows me better then my mother do and for some reason I feel more comfortable and close to you Jane and I believe that you are better for my father because you get him and .that what matters

Jane : good because I believe that you are great and I'm going to love you as my own daughter and everything and that what matters the most right now and it a good thing

Balle : good so come on your brother and aro are ready to walk you down to my dad.

Aro: wow you look great Jane dear and I have always thought of you as daughter and I'm happy that you have found true love because it hate me to see you alone all of these years and it makes me proud to call you my little girl because I always thought of you that way and your brother was always like a son to me

Jane : thanks because we always thought of you as Father Figure as well which is a good thing because to tell you the truth is good to know I had someone in my corner since my real father never loved me thought I was a witch in the same thing for my brother was not right thought I was a witch in the same thing for my brother was not right we're burning at the stake

Aro: yes and I was able to save the both of you and that something that I would not change

With that I took aro and Alec hands because it was time for me to walk to my soon to be husband and I can't wait till I get to be having what I always wanted and will be the best thing that I can do .so here I come charile


Charile POV

I watched as my.jane came down to me on Aro arm and her brother arm I'm so proud .to be calling her mind and that what matters most .right now and it a good thing

Jane:gets to Charlie) and take his hand

Charile : takes Jane hand

Marues: we are here today to join charile and Jane in Holly matrimony

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Marcus is doing the ceremony because of the priest of did the others had to go so it's a good thing that when he was alive he was a reverend

Marcus: do Jane Volturi take Charlie sawn to be you husband

Jane : yes I do

Marues: do you Charlie sawn take Jane to be your wife

Charile : I do and I'm never letting her go

Gust: aww. Awww awww

Marues: by the power in you may now kiss your wife

And with that I kissed Jane and I was the happsets that I would ever be again

I'm so looking forward to the future with my.wife and it looking good for my daughter to because I know that she in good hands with. The cullens and she will be love form here on out and we will be around for each other always and she can fially be her with out needing to be looking after her mother because she did that all her life

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