VI: acidic

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|sorry if this is short|

Depression isn't always listen to sad music and crying.

It a numb feeling.

It's like having a mask on 24/7 and just fucking be too hopefully.

When you bite the skin around your nail or when your body reacts and a way that cannot be helped.

But for some reasons people think that when some is sad they say you doing for attention.

Fuck off you bastard.

Then it gets to the point when you think telling your parents or whoever is a guardian.

You fucking rant to them and want them to tell you it okay or that it will be alright.

But no.

They then accuse you.

" your life is great why are you depressed. HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME," thinking that they haven't been hurting you.

But in reality have been emotionally and verbally abusing you.

The scariest thing is then when they ask " what's wrong," then push and fucking press.

Then have the audacity to say " stop looking depressed"

To point when being around people is mentally draining.

So fucking tired.

But today no one care. It's like in today society your mental health is not noticed until something happens.

It like being sick. Being scared to do anything. Always feeling like your silently getting judged. it's called anxiety.

Having no motivation at all. Like at the end what's the point of it.

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