XVII. dullsville

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It doesn't matter. There she sat alienated from everything. She sinks deeper into the seat as the feeling of disappointment and anger hits. Tears don't exactly fall but they lay awake.

She a failure


And more.

But it shouldn't be this deep, she just hurt. So much.


She wipes the tears casually, because she knows better.

She wants to understand, her mother past effects her present attitude, though she believes that's an excuse.

She looks dullsville. nothing shines in her eyes nor is a smile with dimples on her face. Maybe she should be aggressive but that would do nothing but make things worst.

She wishes she wasn't emotional. Closing. The anger in her risen but it doesn't matter cause no one likes her.

Every time her family needs something she there. She supports them, helps them, lies for them, why can't she get this back?

The feeling should be mutual....

Maybe she is stupid like she said and matter fact clueless. But why is she crying? It's not that deep at all.

Nothing but a pawn, destined to be use for other people. She should be happy she's helping... staring at her phone her tears smeared in the screen of her phone. She should be happy. She just WAs happy.

what happened
                   and                                                          why does it hurt so much?

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