Dear Sister

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My dearest sister,

                     I have the most wonderful news for you. I'll be coming home soon. I can not wait to see you. It pains me to say but the memory of what you look like has faded to glasses and chestnut hair. I hardly remember your smile and laugh. I do hope you have been safe. Knowing you, you have gotten in trouble a lot. This is all I can write at the moment for the messenger needs to leave now. I will be seeing you soon Hanji. I love you. Tell mother and father I miss them and will see them soon as well.

                                                                                                                                       Yours Truly,
                                                                                                                                                           Tikka Zoe

I grip the paper tighter in my hands as I read the note over and over again.
"Tikka's coming home?" I mutter in almost disbelief.
I was so caught up in my head I didn't hear the foot steps behind me.
"Hey four-eyes. Whats wrong with you?"
I look up to see Levi standing in front of me with a look of confusion. I slowly hand him the paper and he reads over it a couple times until he looks at me.
"Tikka's alive?" He asked in disbelief.
Same reaction as me huh shorty?
"Yes. My big sisters coming home" I couldn't help but cry and laugh at the same time. I snatched the paper from Levi and took off down the hall laughing and screaming with joy.
"MY SISTER IS COMING HOME!!!" I stop when I see commander Erwin standing in front of me with a ghost of a smile.
"What was that Hanji?"
"Tikka's coming home sir."
I hand him the note and his smile broke out. Tikka and commander Erwin where best friends when she was in the corps and was the only one I could go to when she left for the expedition.
"She's really coming home?"
I nod and his smile grew bigger. He pulls me into a hug and I start crying again. Man did I miss my sister.

(Tikka's P.O.V)

Stupid titans.

I flew through the air using my 3DMG and sliced the nape of the neck of yet another titan. Getting closer and closer to the walls shows more titans. It was easier when I was further away and only had to deal with one every other week. Now its getting close to one a day. It's all worth it to see my sister again. I miss her so much I feel a pain in my chest when I think about her, and Erwin. Even that clean freak Levi. I miss all my friends back at the corps but this was a very important expedition. It was only suppose to be six to seven months long but it ended up taking me nearly eight years to complete. A long time yeah I know, I've survived though. You'll find out soon enough.
I landed on the ground and whistled for my horse Shade. Soon she came trotting up and I climbed on and kicked her sides making her take of towards the walls.
I sent that note to Hanji almost three months ago. I really do hope she got it or this is gonna be one hell of a surprise when I show up.
I went till almost night time, before sun down I heard thudding behind me. I looked behind me and saw a titan running towards me.
"Oh great, an abnormal. Take off Shade"
I stood up and shot my hooks off to a tree and climbed it. Luckily the titan didn't see me and is currently looking around for me. Jumping from the tree I swung around and cut the nape of the titan killing it quickly. Whistling for Shade I took off on my way back home to my family.

( Tikka's P.O.V , 2 Months later. Almost to HQ)

I bet I've beaten Levi's kill count. Ill have to see when I get back.
Going over a hill I see the giant concrete walls I have called home for so many years. Going closer to it I noticed something. The gate was missing.
"The hell happened here?"
Shade starting jutting her head in a certain direction and I let her guide me, every time she does this something good comes out of it. She took off east towards a stone path.
Man this looks familiar
We take off down it until we see a giant castle like building.
It's the survey corps head quarter's. I'm almost home. Tears started collecting in my eyes and the thought of seeing my sister again.
We trotted up to the gate and some cadets where standing there with their swords drawn.
"Who the hell are you?" One of the male cadets asked.
"Go get Hanji Zoe and I'll tell you everything cadet"
They looked at me weird then one nodded and the other took off towards the HQ while I got off of shade.

(Hanji's P.O.V)

I was sitting in the mess hall having a cup of tea and talking to Levi, well more like bugging him, when a cadet that was suppose to be guarding the gate ran in  and looked at me.
"Section leader Hanji, someone is at the gate for you, She says she knows you." The cadet told me.
My eyes grew wide and heart sped up.
I got up rather quickly surprising the cadet and Levi. I ran out of the mess hall and took off towards the gate with Levi and the cadet running after me. I made it out to the gate to see a women with jet black hair that went to half way of her butt with bright green eyes. My eyes grew even more wide and tears started flowing down my cheeks.
"Tikka!" I screamed taking off even more when she turned towards me with a bright smile on her face.
"Hanji!" She screamed back .
Getting to her finally I jumped on her and hugged her as tight as I could. She hugged back just as tight or maybe tighter. We sat there like that hugging each other for what felt like forever.
"I've missed you so much." She mumbled into my shoulder. I heard her sniffle and I laughed telling her I missed her too.
I finally let her go to get a good look at her.
"Man you have changed." I told her messing with her hair.
"Says you. Look at you. So strong and beautiful" She told me looking me up and down.
I teared up at her again looking at her. It has been so long since I've seen her.
"You gonna give other people a chance to say hello four-eyes?" I turn around to see Levi standing there with a raised eyebrow.
Oh yeah, there's other people who know her.

(Tikka's P.O.V)

Levi Ackerman. Never thought I'd see him again.
"Levi. It's good to see you." I told him looking at him.
"Same to you. Glad to know you aren't dead."
I laughed and hugged him despite his complaints about me getting him dirty. When I let go I looked around to see a lot of people looking at us.
"Hanji, Where's Erwin?"
She perked up and grabbed my hand and we took off towards the building and she dragged me up a stair case and down two halls before we where standing in front of a door. She knocked twice then we heard a gruff voice say 'Name and Business'
"It's Hanji sir, I have a surprise for you."
"Come in"
She opened the door and pushed me in. Erwin looked up and his eyes grew wide. I couldn't help but to smile brightly and wave. Erwin got out of his seat and ran towards me engulfing me in a bone crushing hug. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back just as tight.
"I've missed you Tikka. You don't know how excited me and Hanji have been since we got your letter." Erwin told me.
"Oh so y'all did get it. Good I was worried it didn't make it."
"It did. I ran around every where screaming it."
I laughed and looked between my sister and best friend and couldn't help but smile.

I'm home.


My first attack on titan fan fiction. I've written more. There is one other published on my other page. It's called my cousin. It's an Andy Biersack fan fic. Feel free to go read it. If you want. Its on my page called Deadlly_girl

P.S yes this is a Levi fan fic cause I love him but it also has alot of Hanji in it cause I absolutely love her.

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