Wall Titan

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Me and Hanji stood on the wall with the priest and some other cadets. Hanji at the moment was trying to get the priest to talk since he seems to be the only one that knows about the wall titan. The priest kept his mouth shut for the first ten minutes of being up there. Now he's just straight up complaining about being of high power and needs let down now.
"Do you know who I am?! I need to be let down immediately!" He repeated.
"Oh of course, I'm sorry." Hanji said calmly. I snickered and the priest looked at me. Just as he was about to say something to me Hanji grabbed his collar and hung him over the side of the wall.
"Does straight down work?!"
"Section commander!" One of the cadets tried to grab her but I held him back with a shake of my head. He looked at me but pulled back when he saw the reassuring look on my face.
"-en I am willing to die with it!" I look back over to see that the priest has let go of Hanji's hand and is now ready to fall with both hands out like a free fall.
Irritated Hanji slung him backwards back onto the wall and he landed before my feet. Looking down at him I laugh at him. Before he could say anything to me we heard Hanji laughing while she sits on the edge of the wall.
"I was only kidding. Take a joke people."


By now we are all back to HQ with disappointed looks on our faces. We all sat at a table that consisted of me, Levi, Erwin, Hanji, Eren and his friends.
"So what now?" I asked the question that was on everyone's mind.
"Well first, we find out the meaning behind the titan in the wall, and I will leave that all to Hanji" Erwin said earning a hum of approval from Hanji.
"Then we will figure out who the other two titans are and get them captured as well. After that we will have to go with what happens. As you saw today things are unexpected." Erwin finished rubbing the bridge of his nose then his temples.
He seems a lot more stressed today.
"Well I don't know about you lot but I am exhausted so I am heading to bed. Good night." I said standing up from my spot.
"It's three in the afternoon." Levi said with his usual blank face.
"Whatever" I heard his little "Tch" sound and scowled. I hate when he does that. He always did that when I was training him.
Climbing the stairs I made it to my room. Shutting and locking the door I changed into my night clothes and slowly climbed into bed. Turning onto my side I shut my eyes slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.


"Tikka! Tikka!" I heard someone screaming my name. It sounded vaguely like  Lillie.
I was running as fast as my legs carried me. I tried and tried to get to them but every time I was so close I ended up where I was picking up the wood.
Many, many times I couldn't get to them and every time I was so close. I could hear them screaming for me, screaming for me to help them.
I wish I could go back to them.
This time I was rooted in my spot and couldn't run when I heard them calling for me. I can hear the screaming of the titan as it attacked them. I can hear the ripping of their skin and bones as if it was right in my ear and I couldn't do a damned thing but sit there and listen as my friends died by our enemy.

*** End of dream ***

I awoke with a start. I hadn't realized that someone woke me until I looked up to see Levi standing over me with a stoic but slightly worried expression on his face.
"Are you okay? You where screaming fairly loudly." He informed me.
"Yeah, just a nightmare."
"Do you want to talk about it?" He surprised me by asking. I did that to him after his first expedition.
"Thanks Levi. Wasn't much to it. I just wasn't able to reach them like always." I said shaking my head and running my hand through my hair.
He hummed in response and got up walking to my door, when he reached the door handle he turned back to look at me.
"Are you coming?"
"Where?" I asked climbing out of bed.
"To the kitchen. I'll fix some tea and you can talk about whatever you want to." He walked out when I got closer leaving me to shut the door after us. I smiled lightly knowing that he cares in the slightest to let me get some tea with him. He usually likes to drink it alone.
When we got to the kitchen Levi went straight to the cabinets to get the tea bags, while he prepared I jumped up onto the counter which heard a scowl from Levi.
"You're making the counter dirty."
All I did was roll my eyes which earned me another scowl from Levi. He finished getting everything ready then set the tea pot on the stove to boil the water, then he came and stood in front of me. So close I could feel his hip bones against my knees.
"Now what exactly happened out there?" He questioned me, crossing his arms he arched an eye brow knowing that I'd catch on to what he was saying.
"A titan. I couldn't get to them in time. I watched them get eaten alive and I couldn't move a damned muscle. It wasn't until I saw March in the titans mouth did I actually start moving, but it was too late and the only one left alive was Lillie. I just wish I was there to save them." I said looking anywhere but at Levi.
He stayed silent for a while, then he came up to me and stood in between my legs. I looked up at him, suddenly he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his lean torso and buried my head into his shoulder.
Levi rarely hugged me, I took it while I could and savoured it because I know I would have to be truly hurting for him to actually hug me.
We stood like that until Levi heard the tea pot whistling. Letting go of me he went over to the pot and took it off the stove. He poured some in each cup then gave me one while he drank his slowly. I carefully sipped my tea and little flashes of my friends passed by in my head and I smiled softly.
Soon we finished our drinks and walked back up to our rooms. Since mine was before Levis he stopped in front of my door and hugged me softly before telling me good night. I smiled then went into my room and crawled back into my bed. As I was laying there one thing came into mind.
How the hell did he get into my locked room?

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