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I was awoken by a sharp rap to my door. I trudged out of my bed and to the door to open it to see a stoic expression Levi.
"Good morning Levi" I gave him a sleepy smile and he "Tched"
"Be ready in an hour, we leave then" With that he turned around and stalked down the hall with his coat flapping behind him as he turned the corner.
Rolling my eyes I shut my door and walked to my wardrobe and grabbed my uniform. I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Stripping down I climbed in and scrubbed my body and washed my hair.
I'm cutting it when I get back.
When I got out I wrapped a towel around my head and body and walked out of my bathroom.
"Holy mother of God!" I held a hand to my heart and tried to slow my breathing when I saw Hanji sitting on my bed, legs crossed and a big smile on her face.
"Good morning Tikka!" She said jumping lightly.
"Good morning Hanji, please don't scare me like that anymore."
"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to scare. I didn't think you where awake yet so I came here to see and you where already in the shower so I decided I'd wait here." She explained herself.
"Yeah I'm awake. Levi was overly excited about waking me." I took the towel off my hair and threw it over a chair. Grabbing my clothes I walked back into the bathroom to put those on since I have a visitor.
"Oh yeah Tikka, Erwin wanted me to inform you that we have a little extra thing to do at the capitol today and to be ready at all costs."
Confused I walked out with my brush in my hand and toothbrush in my mouth seeing as I was in the middle of doing both when she told me this.
"Why? I thought I was just going to talk to the king." I mumbled around my toothbrush, miraculously she understood me.
"You are, but there is something that the survey corps need to take care of before we take you there. We need your participation. That is if you're up for it. Don't wanna work you after just getting back." Hanji had gone completely serious and that means something is seriously up.
"Yeah I'll help. Anything for my family" I said smiling.
She smiled and went back to her usual smiley self, happy about everything. The way I like her.
I finished getting ready then we walked out of my room and down to the entrance of the building where I saw multiple carriages and cadets standing about waiting on me most likely. I looked to Erwin and he nodded at me then we all climbed into the carriages. I was in with Hanji, Erwin, and Levi. He wasn't dressed in his usually survey corps uniform and I got confused. He must have noticed because he asked the unspoken question.
"I was injured on the last expedition beyond the walls.  I was forced to take a leave until it heals."
I just hummed and looked out the window, but when I went to turn my head my hair got pulled because of my stupid self sitting on it. I'm so use to it flying behind me as I ride Shade. Irritated I grabbed it and started braiding it from the scalp until I got to the bottom where I tied my hair together since I didn't have a hair tie. When I put it back behind me it went to my lower back. Smiling I turned back to look out the window. There I stared out the window till I noticed the first set of walls coming into view.
This is gonna be a long trip.
"Is it always this silent?" I asked everybody looking at them.
"Usually, we don't talk until we are at least a good ways close to our destination." Erwin says.
"Well I've been gone for nearly eight years. Fill me in on some things. What have I missed."
"Ooh I can tell you." I looked over at Hanji who was smiling like a mad man. Classic Hanji.
I nodded for her to continue. I heard Levi groan and I chuckled at him. No matter how much Hanji irritates him, he'll miss it when she doesn't.
"OK so, wall maria fell nearly five years ago when the colossal titan showed up. The colossal titan is over fifty meters high which is why taller than the wall. That let all the titans in. Then the armoured titan showed up and broke the other gate causing the other district to fall. Then after that years of silence. Suddenly the colossal titan showed up again and broke the gate to trost district, causing the titans to come over. We sent all of our soldiers out, including new ones. Many deaths will be remembered. Though we did find something spectacular that day." She said finally running out of breathe.
"What did you find?" I asked curious.
"A titan shifter." It was Levi this time.
"A titan shifter?" I looked around at all three of my friends confused and intrigued.
"Yes, a titan shifter. A human who can turn into a titan." Erwin said.
"How is that possible?"
"Remember Dr Jaeger?" Hanji asked me.
"Yeah. He was a really good doctor."
"Apparently that really good doctor went around and did experiments on kids. Including his own son. This being, they can turn into titans. Eren Jaeger was the first one we knew of. The second is Annie Leonhart. A cadet who is apart of the military police. We plan on capturing her today, underground if we can. If not then Jaeger would have to transform and fight her until we can get her. That's why the talk with the king would have to wait. We need to focus on the enemy as of now." Erwin said using his new found commander voice. Well new found to me. I'm not used to it yet.
"Sounds like a plan. I'm in." I said nodding. Hanji beamed at me knowing that she'd be able to fight along side her sister again.
"Speaking of. Tikka, I was wondering if you can stay behind with me and Levi in case some altercations come up."
"Sure. I'll fight some other time. I need a break anyway."
He laughed at my sarcastic tone and continued to look over the plans he had taken out.
"Wait. How are we gonna capture her?" I asked still confused.
"Well Jeager and his two friends Mikasa and Armin are going to sneak him out with the help of Annie, per Armin's persuasion. When we get her underground we will restrain her so she can't transform. If that doesn't happen then Jaeger must tire her out until we can get her out of her titan. After that, well we will just have to wait and see." Levi told me. I was a little surprised because I haven't heard Levi speak that much in years.
Laughing, I gave a small smile which confused and irritated Levi.
"What's so funny brat?"
That made me laugh more, that cause Hanji to start laughing. Soon Erwin was laughing also and that left Levi even more irritated and confused.
"Tch" He looked out the window trying to ignore our giggles that where still going.
"I'm sorry for laughing Levi. It's just I haven't heard you speak in so long and you saying that much in one go just made me laugh. It's good to hear you talk a lot." I said with an apologetic look and tone.
All he did was make that irritating "Tch" sound. Scowling I kicked his right foot. His head shot up ad he glared at me.
"You kicked my foot." He said irritated once again.
"Did I? I didn't notice. My bad." I said in my most sarcastic tone.
We sat there glaring at each other like that for a while until Erwin spoke up.
"Alright you two, stop acting like little kids and more like the respected adults that you are."
Levi "tched" again and looked back out the window. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and looked out the window. It grew silent as the ride continued on.

We soon pulled up to the capitol and Hanji steps out of the carriage to take her position, not before hugging me and telling me she loves me of course. I hugged her back and told her I loved her too. The carriage took off after the driver saw Hanji shoot off with her 3DMG. The rest of the carriages continued on like planned to the capitol for Eren Jaeger's trial. Soon we where stopped when we heard a giant boom come from a couple hundred feet away.
"Looks like plan A failed." Erwin said opening the carriage door and stepping out with me and Levi in tow. When we got out we saw the commander of the military police standing there looking terrified.
"What the hell is going on Erwin?" He asked pointing a gun at his head.
This ticked me off. No one points a gun at my best friends head.
I went to go push the guy away when Levi grabbed my arm, turning towards him I saw him shake his head. In the end I stayed put and watched Erwin take care of it. In the middle of the military polices yelling "Eren" or Jean stepped out of the carriage. Another military police tried to stop him until he snatched the wig off, pissed that he called him by Eren's name. He ran up to us looking frantic but ready to fight.
"Sir, let me fight with them."
"Get some of the militaries polices 3DMG and go cadet." Levi said to him.
Jean nodded and took off towards their supply room. In the meantime Erwin is still dealing with the freaked out and confused commander.
"Don't move or I will shoot. This is treason. I am obligated to kill you where you stand Smith."
"Then do it and take over my position. Make sure that titan doesn't get out of the walls. Lead the expeditions beyond the walls. Kill the titans." Erwin said trying to intimidate him. It seemed to work since he lowered his gun and told his men to cuff him. I looked over to Levi and saw he was watching with an expressionless face.
"I'm gonna go and find Hanji and see what's going on." I told Levi.
He nodded as a response. I shot my grapple hooks out and flew through the air until I saw Hanji standing on a roof with cadets around her. I landed beside her and saw what she was looking at. Below me was two titans. A male and female, fighting. Well more like the male was straddling the female and trying to bit the nape off to get to the human I assume.
"This... This is." I couldn't finish my sentence I was so shocked.
"This is amazing" Hanji said from beside me. I turned to look at her and she had that giant psychotic smile on her face that she only gets when she sees a titan.
I heard a roar and looked back at the titans to see Eren rip off her nape to reveal a girl with blonde hair crying. Eren's titan froze and every one started whispering things like 'Oh my God. Is he gonna eat her?' and so on. Out of no where we see someone flying through the air and then we see Levi cut Eren out of his titan.
"We don't need you eating a valuable witness. You idiot."


I heard something clanking and I turn around to see Jean banging what's left of his sword against the crystal that Annie encased herself in after she realized she was exposed to us.
"Come out you coward and face your consequences!" He shouted at her.
Levi walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Jean turned to look at him and all Levi said was.
"Enough. Your attempts are useless." With that he walked off.
Turning back around Jean banged his sword against it once more causing the blade to finally break off. He grunted then dropped to the ground with his head in his hands. Walking over to him I knelt in front of him which caused him to look up.
Smiling softy at him I took a seat beside him.
"Don't worry cadet. We'll get her out. Then she will pay in the worse way possible." I looked over at him and he had his head leant back onto the crystal with his eyes closed.
Sighing softly he finally replied.
"I just want every single titan to pay for the hell they've made us go through."
"And they will. Every single one of them." All he did was hum in reply. It was completely silent except for the few conversations going on between the cadets, until we heard someone scream for Hanji. Curious I got up and ran towards where she was. I looked at her and she had a terrified look on her face. Seeing that I looked up at the wall and what I saw scared and confused the hell out of me. Staring down at us from inside the wall was a titan.
One of the cadets asked what she we do and Hanji was completely speechless. Suddenly someone grabbed her arm and yanked her back. We turned around to see a priest standing, well more like leaning over behind us trying to catch his breathe.
"Don't... Let.... The.... Sun... Touch him."


I know that some of the things, well all the things aren't exactly what they said but I can't really remember and I didnt feel like searching or watching it cause i'd get side tracked and its late here. Took me nearly two hours to write this but all in all it is over 2300 words and I am proud. Enjoy :D

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