First Day Home

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(Tikka's P.O.V)

Since I've been here I was given a room and clothes to shower with. I was told to bathe and rest and that I will meet everyone else tomorrow when I wake up. So here I am being drug downstairs by an overly excited Hanji, I can't blame her though. I'm excited as well. I haven't seen any other people besides my self so I guess that doesn't count.
We get to the mess hall and the door is thrown open by Hanji. All the cadets looked up towards the commotion to see me blushing slightly and Hanji smiling brightly.
"Everyone I'd like for you to meet my sister Tikka." She says pointing towards me.
I get a lot of strange looks and people whisper things like 'Hanji has a sister?' or 'Think she's as crazy about titans as Hanji?'
No kid I'm not, trust me.
Everyone says hello then I'm being dragged once again to the line to get food then to a table that sat Levi, Erwin, Hanji, and some other people I didn't know. Well except Miche. I only remember him because me and him never really got along, but we always made sure each other was safe on the field.
"Okay Tikka I'm gonna introduce some people that was here after you left. This is petra" she pointed to a girl who had shoulder length brown reddish hair, she smiled and waved at me.
"And that's Gunther, Eld, and Oluo" I waved to the boys and only two waved back while one said 'tch'.
Levi wannbe much?
Petra jabbed him in the ribs and he winced then waved at me with a look of displeasure on his face.
"Sorry about him, he isn't much of a people person." Hanji tells me.
I give her a look saying ' ya think '
We sit down and I take a bite out of my bread and take a sip of my water.
"So Tikka. Where have you been?" Petra asks me.
I swallow my water and look at her.
"I've been on an expedition outside of the walls. It took me a lot longer than expected to finish it but the results where promising." I told her.
"Where you the only one on  the expedition?" Gunther asked this time.
The memory of my fellow comrades who was on the expedition with me surfaces. It pains me that I couldn't get back to our camp in time to save them from the aberrant that attacked. I felt so much grief and guilt and sadness that I turned into Levi on his very first expedition outside the walls.

*Flash back*

"We need more wood" Lillie said poking at the camp fire we had going.
It's two hours after sun down and we have set up camp somewhere near a forest. It's eight months into the expedition the king himself has given us.
Me, Lillie, March, and Kiken (pronounced ky-kin). We where classified as the best in the service due to our quick thinking and fast reflexes.
"I'll go get some" I said standing up from my spot on the ground. I walked off towards the woods with my hood up to get more wood. I walk maybe a few feet deep and start picking up different sized logs. I was almost done when I hear screams coming from the camp. Dropping the wood I take off running towards the camp. When I get there I see a titan attacking the camp. The titan was on all fours and had March in his mouth.
I looked around and saw Lillie almost in half and Kiken's head separated from his body. Out of anger I drew my swords and took off running towards the titan. Using my 3DMG I quickly climb up the titan. I sliced everywhere I can get my blades. Finally I cut the nape of the neck and jump down as the titan face plants into the ground. I run over to March who sadly was still in the titans mouth. When the titan fell it broke his neck killing him immediately. I closed his still open eyes, I sat there with tears pooling in my eyes. It wasn't until I heard a soft voice calling my name did I look up. I took off running towards Lillie and saw her laying there barely breathing.
"Lillie, hey. It's going to be okay" I told her kneeling beside her.
She smiles softly and grabs my hand.
"You have been an amazing leader and I am more than proud to have the opportunity to serve in your squad" She whispered softly to me.
With a heavy heart and tears in my eyes I smiled and told her.
"And I am proud to have you all in my squad. Rest easy now Lillie. You deserve it." She smiles one more time and then stills.
I don't know how long I sat there holding Lillie's hand but at the moment I didn't care.

*Flash back over*

I looked over to see Hanji looking at me with a worried look, as did all the others.
"Are you okay? Sorry if we made you uncomfortable." Petra said.
"No you didn't. It's just hard to remember them sometimes. I did have some people with me. They died in battle though." I said smiling softly at the memory of my friends.
"What where their names?" Eld asks.
"March, Kiken, and Lillie. Very great people, amazing solder's and great friends."
"They would have been great to meet" Petra says smiling softly.
"They would have loved you all. Lillie would get along great with Petra, Kiken would do great with Eld, and March... Well I don't really know who he'd get along with best. He's very hard to decipher sometimes."
"Tikka I hate to interrupt you but I need to speak with you in my office." Erwin told me standing up.
I nodded and stood up following him up some stair cases. Soon we finally made it to his office. We walked in and he told me to take a seat. Taking in to consideration of my hair I pulled it over my shoulder and sat it in my lap.
I really need to get a hair cut.
"So Tikka, I need to talk to you about the expedition." Erwin said.
"Is that not the commanders job?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Oh yes, been a few years since you've been here." He said chuckling.
"More like almost eight years." I reminded him.
"Right. Well I have been promoted to commander and Levi took over your job as Lance corporal. Hanji became a section commander."
"Wow. Everybody is so grown up now."
"Yeah they are. So again I would like to talk about the expedition."
"Right. Well if you read the files about it you'd know I was set out to find civilization beyond the walls. Well that was a success. It took nearly two years to find it, hence the reason I was gone so long. When I found it they captured me and held me captive for a long while, maybe two months I think. Well when they finally had a court session for me and decided that I was of no harm. So they gave me home and there I stayed for four years. Then I finally decided to come home and give the news of my new found environment."
When I got done with my news of the expedition Erwin was nodding his head.
"Right. That's very good. I will have a carriage waiting for you tomorrow morning for you to head to the capitol to see the king."
"Right. Sounds like a plan."
He smiled at me and then said I could leave. I got up and left the room. I was completely lost wondering the halls until I pumped into someone.
"Oi, can't watch where you're going?" I looked up, yes up, to see Levi standing there with an emotionless face as always.
"Watch it shorty, I was lost."
"I'm taller than you."
"By a few inches."
"What is it that you need?" He asked obviously irritated.
"I have no idea where I am and I need Hanji."
"She's outside training her cadets. I'll take you too her come on." He turned around and started walking out to the training field. I couldn't keep up with him do to how small my legs are compared to him.
Eventually we made it to the field and I see Hanji screaming at her cadets to go faster and cut deeper.
"Hanji!" I screamed next to Levi, he flinched away and scowled at me. Laughing I take off towards Hanji who is jumping up and down now that she knows I'm out there.
"Tikka! Finally, I thought Erwin was gonna keep you in there forever." She says hugging me.
"No, he just wanted to talk about the expedition. Speaking of I have to go to the capitol and speak to the king about it tomorrow."
"DID I SAY STOP PRACTICING! GET TOO IT!" Her yelling scared me and I flinched back. She turns back and laughs at my surprised expression.
"Yell much?"
"Gotta be loud with these brats"
"I see Levi rubbed off on you."
"Yeah, but any who. Going to the capitol. That's great. Maybe I can go with you."
"I'll talk to Erwin and see if he will let you. In the mean time I'll let you get back to your practice, I'll see ya around."
I waved and began to walk off when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw a boy with short but long brown hair and green eyes.
"Hi. My names Eren Jaeger. I'm a new cadet."
"You're Dr.Jaegers son. Correct?"
"That's me."
"Well it's nice to meet you Eren. You should probably get back to training, don't want anybody yelling at you."
He nodded and ran off to continue training. Smiling I turned back around to head back inside when Levi walked up next to me.
"What is it Levi?"
"Hmm? Oh nothing. Besides the fact that Erwin said that Hanji and I will be accompanying you to the capitol tomorrow morning."
"Why am I not surprised?" I asked Levi a rhetorical question.
Levi then, surprisingly, gave me the tour of the HQ. Taking me back to my room to leave me be and get some more rest Levi stopped me at my door.
"It's really good to have you back Tick." Levi said saying my old nickname he had for me when he first joined the corps.
"It's good to be back Levi" I said smiling softly.
He smiled back lightly and turned to leave.
"Oh and Levi. Thanks for watching after Hanji"
He nodded then continued down the hall.

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