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How skilled a writer do you consider yourself?
I like to think I'm a moderately good writer, especially when it comes to writing descriptions. But I know there are definitely a few things I need to improve on, such as dialogue and not dumping exposition.

What are your writing interests?
I tend to write Pokémon Fanfiction, but I'm currently writing a Breath of the Wild novelization as well. I'm also planning a Pokémon/LoZ crossover, and I hope to write a Majora's Mask novelization in the future.

What got you into the Legend of Zelda series?
I had some money left over on a GameStop gift card and decided to buy A Link Between Worlds because it looked interesting. After finishing it my friend lent me Ocarina of Time 3D, and afterwards I began seeking out the other games. I've been a fan of the series ever since.

What do you love most about the series?
I love how the games create atmosphere, which I guess is a combination of visuals and music.

Favorite Legend of Zelda game?
Breath of the Wild

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