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How skilled a writer do you consider yourself?
I think I'm pretty good.

What are your writing interests?
Any fanfiction.

What got you into the Legend of Zelda series?
The first time I heard of the series, I was probably six, and the first time I saw Link was in Super Smash Bros: Melee. Since then I've played a lot of the LoZ games, and I'm currently taking my time with Breath of the Wild.

What do you love most about the series?
For me it depends on which game, but if you're talking in general it's pretty much everything. The puzzles, storylines, the sidequests, the characters, and of course the music.

Favorite Legend of Zelda game?
Hard choice, but I'll go with Breath of the Wild, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask.

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