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How skilled a writer do you consider yourself?
I like to think I'm okay. I have ideas all the time, but I can hardly ever finish them... I'm working on it, though.

What are your writing interests?
Comedy fanfiction, Star Wars and Legend of Zelda fanfiction, and also fantasy.

What got you into the Legend of Zelda series?
I saw a few pictures from Breath of the Wild online and thought, "Hey that looks neat." So when I got a Switch, I picked up BotW as well. That led me to become obsessed with video games in general, but I've dedicated myself to learning as much about LoZ as I can.

What do you love most about the series?
The lore behind the games. I love how detailed it is and how everything connects together.

Favorite Legend of Zelda game?
Breath of the Wild and Twilight Princess.

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