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How skilled a writer do you consider yourself?
I've always loved to write since fourth grade. Being a sophomore in high school now, I consider myself to be an average writer. However, I try to better my writing every day!

What are your writing interests?
I love to write fiction along with fanfiction, sci-fi, drama, and adventure.

What got you into the Legend of Zelda series?
My father introduced me to the series when I was seven. My first game was Twilight Princess, and he helped me beat it. Now that I'm older and more experienced with games, I can beat them on my own with him watching me play. We still play games together, like Wind Waker HD and Breath of the Wild!

What do you love most about the series?
I've always loved games that tell amazing stories, and because of this LoZ has a special place in my heart. Nintendo does a fantastic job telling stories with this franchise specifically. The storytelling is breathtaking and wonderful.

Favorite Legend of Zelda game?
Twilight Princess is my favorite, but I also love A Link Between Worlds.

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