Part 3

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The alarm sounds wake Hyojin up. He stretched his body, and pick up his phone. There's so many message from his business group. Lately, he has been having a hard time falling asleep because of this. But last night, he slept like a baby. He got up from his bed and went to take shower.

After brushing his teeth, the reflection of his face in the mirror bring back last night memories. Wait. He was sleeping in the couch and Hangyeom in the bed. Why he woke up on the bed?

He rushes out of the bathroom. But he can't find Hangyeom anywhere around the house. He probably already gone. An uneasy feeling suddenly make Hyojin realize he feel a little lonely after Hangyeom is gone.

'Forget him Hyojin! It's not like that man your mate or something. He'll just bring you trouble'

Thanks to the voice in Hyojin head, he started getting ready and went to his office.


Businessman life is not as good as he think it will be. Some client being a pain in the ass while he tried to do the best thing he can. The worse part is when he met an alpha who think they are the best.

Eventhough they believe that Hyojin is beta, sometimes there is alpha that still look down on him. Imagine if he know Hyojin is an omega, that could lead to a disaster.

His thoughts got disturbed when suddenly he can feel a hot thing in his cheek.

"What's with this gloomy aura coming from you? Our moodmaker definitely have something going on" Donghun, Hyojin bestfriend, come with two cups of hot coffee.

When Hyojin was in a college, he got to know Donghun and became close friend since then. Donghun has a pair of eyes that making him look sad, but his personalities the other way around.

"Oh Donghun hyung. Why I keep having a bad day because of alphas? They just can't be a normal person and stop making people suffer!"

"Haha I understand about the client you meet just now. But in the end you can wrap it up nicely right? Cheer up! Drink some coffee"

They keep talking about everything until lunch break over. But Hyojin can't bring himself to tell Donghun about Hangyeom, the guy that makes his heart throbing every time he remember him.


On the way home, Hyojin went to buy some groceries. He drove his car toward the usual place and park it beside a college building. After finishing his groceries shoping, he walk past a few student who come out after classes.

And at that time, his sense of smell pick up a familiar scent. An intriguing scent that only that particular someone can have. Hyojin eyes searching for that person.

"Ya, Sangwon-ah, Byeongkwan-ah, I'm not going to pc bang today. I have something to do" even it quite a distance away, Hyojin knew it was that guy voice.

Hyojin went to that direction, and he can't believe what he see. Song Hangyeom, walking out of college building with his two friends. There's no mistaking it. A foolish person could also know by the appearance that those three are college student.

"Song Hangyeom!"

The three of them got startled. Hangyeom face hardened when he saw Hyojin approaching him.

"Ehhh, is it your friend? Wow he is cute" Sangwon blurted out his thought.

"But from the smell, he is a beta. Are you becoming a pushover Hangyom-ah? Even a beta can talk to you in that manner now" Byeongkwan word made Sangwon cracking up.

Hangyeom sent a death glare toward his two friends which immediately fell silent. Before Hyojin can say another word, Hangyeom grabbed Hyojin by his wrist and drag him toward the parking lot.

The grip loosened after they arrived. Hangyeom pushed Hyojin towards the nearest car and suddenly Hyojin found himself in the least position he would like to be right now.
"Start talking. What do you want?"

"Really, you need to control that temper of yours! And I'm older than you. You should call me hyung. I thought you're a nice guy since you put me in the bed before you go, but I guess you can't hide your true self aren't you?!"

Suddenly, Hangyeom coming closer and trapping Hyojin between his arm. Hyojin can feel Hangyeom breath at his ear, sent a pleasant shiver down his spine.

'Get a hold of yourself Hyojin-ah. It's not the time to have that kind of feeling!'

"What are you talking about? Taking you to the bed? You're the one who pushed me out of the bed" Hangyeom voice in Hyojin's ear make him shudder.

"And if it were me who taking you to the bed, it won't end with you're sleeping in the bed. You talk like you know my true self, but you know nothing, HYUNG"

The word that coming out from Hangyeom mouth make Hyojin stiffened in his place. His brain having a hard time processing what just happen between him and Hangyeom.

To be continued...

Puppy Love || Hangyeom X HyojinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum