Part 8

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They were sitting in the dining room. It was awkward for Donghun since he interupted something he shouldn't.

"My apartement water source leaked and it flooded my entire place. I don't know anyone close enough beside you" he tried to fill the awkward silent.

"What about your mate house? Isn't it closer than mine, hyung?"

"We have a fight. Beside, I want to see how are you doing. You seems quiet out of it today. Am I interupting something ?"



Hangyeom and Hyojin answer the question at the same time. Narrowing his eyes, Hyojin gave Hangyeom his ' I don't actually like how you treat my guest' look. Hangyeom react with a shrug and turning his head from Hyojin.

The situation doesn't seems better after Donghun opened his mouth, so he walk toward the living room and turn on the playstation.

"Who want to play FIFA?"

Upon hearing "FIFA" mentioned by the older man, Hangyeom forgetting his anger, like a little puppy, straight away picking the other stick.

"I don't know you were so easy to please"

"I'm not pleased at anything you do. It's just I never know that this thing exist" he growled in his alpha tone, clearly still mad at Donghun.

Decided not to make another mistake, Donghun keep silent about it and they start playing the game. Naturally, by the time Donghun defeat Hangyeom, they were already forgotten about the past event and act like a close friend.

They play the game until Hangyeom win, since he can't accept the defeat. When they were finished, it's already past eleven am and Donghun, being the sensitive one, realize that he can't see Hyojin anywhere around them.

"Hey, since I put up with your antics, you'll tidy up right?"

Hangyeom quietly obey it, knowing he make the older stay until this late. Donghun walked past him and looking for Hyojin. He went to Hyojin's room, greeted by a sight of Hyojin silently scrolling through his phone.


"Ah, hyung. You guys have finished?"

"Yeah. I should have let him win. He really take no for an answer" Donghun let out a small laugh.

"So..." Hyojin tilted his head, he can't seem to see Hangyeom within his range of vision.

"He's tidying up" the sound of it seems odd for Hyojin and he crunched his nose a little bit. That alpha never listen to him and now he listen to Donghun like it was the most normal thing to do.

As he try to forget about it, a few heavy step makes he turn his head towards it. Hangyeom stood in front of the bed, seems thinking about something. His dark hair disheveled, probably from touching it so much since he must be frustrated because he can't defeat donghun on FIFA.

His eyes look tired and annoyed, but still it doesn't stop Hyojin from gawking and thinking about their ,rather hot, moment before.

"Hyung, you're sleeping in the bed. With us"

The older seems a little bit startled. He knows he'll make an enemy with Hangyeom if he just say yes.

"Hyojin-ah, I'm alright with the couch" carefully, he bring the pillow in his hand only to get caught by Hyojin's hand in his arm.

"He agreed to sleep in the couch. The bed won't be enough for three grown up man" Hangyeom frustrated voice make Hyojin tensed up. He think that ,maybe, Hangyeom will do 'only god knows' thing that he can't did before. So he won't let that happen when Donghun only a few feets apart from them.

"If you are so 'grown up', you won't let our guest sleep in the couch. You can sleep in there if you want" with his last word, he drag the poor Donghun to the bed.

Hyojin take the left wing and whether he want it or not, Donghun sleep in the middle. Donghun just want to drown himself in the bed when Hangyeom lie beside him. He can't believe he got caught up in this weird situation, thanks to his water source and Park Junhee.

That night, Hangyeom spent half an hour only looking at the ceiling, thinking about him and Hyojin. He feels weird since Hyojin just accepts him like that. Or actually he is the one who barge in into Hyojin's life without permission and did whatever he want.

Hyojin won't even let he sleep beside him. Did he really think Hangyeom would continue what he wanna do before while there's someone else in the house? He must think so lowly about Hangyeom self-restraint. He deserve it though. He can't even be honest with him while the only thing Hyojin did since their first meeting being an open book in front of Hangyeom.

He realize the omega love towards him and maybe he is using it for his own desire. Hangyeom let out a heavy sigh.

"Hyung..." Hangyeom attempted to make a conversation, knowing Donghun already snoring hard beside him.

There is no answer. Maybe he already asleep?

The alpha let out another heavy sigh and start talking

"Are you really can't believe that I won't do nothing tonight?"

Still there's no answer. He gave up and turned his body in the opposite side. Trying  to sleep and hoping he would forget about the whole weird feeling he have tonight.

Little did he know, Hyojin still awake. He can hear Hangyeom voice as clear as day.

'It's not like I don't believe you. Actually I don't believe in myself. I think I can't stop myself if there's only the two of us in this room, Hangyeom-ah'

To be continued ...

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