Chapter 3

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Ashton's POV:

"Hey guys!" Isabella says as the other four of our group walk up.

Zoey pulls out of my arms, but I keep my hold on her hands. Her fingers interlock with mine, and she relaxes a bit.

Luke glances at our hands and raises an eyebrows. I discreetly flip him off, and he lets out a short laugh.

We walk into the restaurant, talking and laughing loudly. They bring us into the back quickly, not wanting a mob of fangirls. They draw the curtains over the windows, and we huddle into the booth.

I sit next to the window, Zoey pressed into my right side and Michael next to her. Luke sits across from me with Isabella next to him and Calum across from Michael.

We all order our meals, and Zoey talks to the waiter, who she obviously knows, asking them to make the 1D boys' meals and keep them warm.

I wrap my arm discreetly around Zoey's shoulders, and she cuddles into my side. Luckily we are all squished into the booth so it's not that noticeable.

Luke and Isabella are in a position mimicking us; I mock his action from earlier, raising an eyebrow. He ignores me. We get through dinner and pay, picking up all of the other meals and getting out of the now crowded restaurant.

"Do you girls want to come to the hotel with us? I don't think you two should be driving this late." Calum says, obviously worried about all of the drunk people on the street.

"We can come hang out for a while, but we can't stay all night." Zoey says quickly. Everyone heads to the vehicles that we rode in on the way to the restaurant. I once again drive, this time without Zoey's threatening speech.

"So do you all share rooms?" Zoey asks me.

"We share rooms with Liam, Zayn, Niall, Louis and Harry. Liam and Zayn, Mikey and Cal , Louis and Harry, Luke and Niall , and me by myself." I tell her.

"Why are you by yourself?" She asks me.

"I'm a rough sleeper... and I talk loudly." I lie to her. I actually have night terrors; I scream in my sleep sometimes.

"Oh.." She smiles lightly.

We get to the hotel and go show her all of the rooms. We stop at mine and decide to watch some movies. We cuddle under a blanket; Zoey is half asleep by the end of the first movie.

"Hey, Blue." I whisper in her ear. She lets out a cute little yawn and snuggles into my chest.

With a smile, I pick the her up and carry her to my bedroom. I cover her up and go to check on the other boys.

I get to Mikey and Cal's room and find them, Luke, and Isabella.

"Zoey's out." I say as I plop down on the couch. Luke hushes me, and I notice that Isabella is asleep, too. "Do you want to bring her to my room? Zoe's in my bed and there's another bed that you two can crash in." I tell him.

"Yeah, let's go." Luke says picking up Isabella. We walk back to my room, and I unlock the door, letting him in.

He sets her down on the open bed and strips off his shirt. I copy his actions aand pull out a pair of sweatpants and pull those on before laying down next to Zoey.

Luke goes and searches my drawers for a pair of sweatpants as well, glaring at me for not grabbing him a pair.

I ignore him and get under the blankets next to Zoey. She immediately gets closer to me, snuggling up to me. I smile down at her. I look up to see if Luke found the pants yet.

"Dude, you're whipped." He whispers. "You just met the chick and you're already laying in bed with her." He laughs.

"You'e about to lay with Isabella so you can just shut up." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes and lays down. "I'm not the one who has to stay up so I don't freak two girls out." He mumbles.

I ignore him and stare up at the ceiling. Soon enough I'm the only one awake.

I try my best to stay awake, but eventually I drift off too.

I'm under water. I can't see anything but black darkness. The water pressures my chest, and I take in a deep breath of water. I thrash around,trying to reach the surface and get all of this water out of my lungs, but it never ends.

"A-ashton." A voice says near me. "Wake up Ash, it's okay."

I feel a cool hand rest on my cheek and I open my eyes. Zoey's green eyes are inches away from my face.

"Are you okay Ashy?" She asks me quietly.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry." I apologize. She shakes her head slightly and lets out a quiet laugh.

"Don't say sorry, it's not your fault." She lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her. " Do you want to talk about it?"


"It's okay! You don't have to!" She says quickly.

I smile and kiss her cheek.

"It was um.. Basically I was drowning. There was nothing but water everywhere and I couldn't breathe. I kept taking in water, but it wouldn't end. It never ends."

"It did end though." She whispers. I take a deep breathe of air.

"Yeah, I guess it did... Didn't you say that you had to be home before five?" I ask.

"Shoot! Yeah we have to get home before my dad wakes up and realizes that we're gone."

"Um, it's four-thirty," I tell her. She jumps up.

"ISSY GET YOUR FAT BUTT UP WE NEED TO GET BACK TO MY HOUSE!" She screams as she jumps ontop of the sleeping pair.

"I'll drive Zoey, Isabella and Luke can follow in one of the vans." I offer. Everyone agrees and Zoey and I leave first.

I drive through the city, Zoey singing softly under her breath.

"So where exactly do you live?" I ask her.

"Um.. Across the lake, Mandeville." She says. I nod.

"How old are you?"

"I just turned eighteen.. Does it bother you that I already know this kind of stuff about you since I'm one of your fans and then you don't know anything about me?"

"Not really... I love my fans." I tell her honestly.


"No! I mean I do love my fans, but you're.. special." She smiles a bit.

"Thank you but I'm really not." She says.

I glance over at her. "Who told you that?"

"No one, it's just the truth."

We pull up to the house that she directed me to and get out together.

I go to her side of the car and wrap her in a huge hug. She looks up at me.

I lean down and kiss her for the second time tonight. As we pull apart Luke and Isabella pull up in the van. They get out and join us in the driveway.

"Bye Zoey." Luke says hugging her. I feel jealosy bubble up in my stomach, but almost smack myself when he kisses Isabella on the cheek.

"Bye Blue." I whisper in Zoey's ear as she hugs me tightly.

"Bye Ash." She stands on her tiptoes to kiss my lips. The girls run inside and Luke and I get into the van.

"Geez Ashton, y'all are moving fast." Luke says.

"Yeah, I know. But I think she's worth it."

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