Chapter 5

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Ashton's POV:

I put away my phone after Blue tells me that she has to go to class. I lean back against the seat, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Hey Ash!" Luke yells at me, plopping over the couch next me.

"Hi." I greet my blonde best friend with a small laugh.

"Guys we have song writing!" Calum yells from the front of the bus. We get up and I hear Mikey shut off the console.

We all meet up outside the bus door where we're told to split up into pairs and walk around for a few hours before meeting up back at the bus.

I go with Cal to the park and Mikey and Luke pair up and head to the beach.

"Any ideas?" He asks me.

I shrug and walk over to the jungle gym, climbing up to the top. Calum does the same, joining me.

"Why not write a song about that girl you met last night?" he asks nudging my shoulder. I laugh and bump him back, a bit harder.

"Because one, I know barely anything about her, and two I don't have a clue what I could say!" he sighs and shakes his head.

"Look Cal, I just.." I start to say. "I don't know. I like Zoey a lot. More than I have ever liked a girl before and I just met her last night." I say taking my hear in my hands.

I hear Calum sigh and feel him rest a hand on my shoulder.

"Trust me Ash, I understand." He tells me. I look up at him and smile.

"Thanks Calum.." I say. We go back and forth with ideas for a bit.

Suddenly I get an amazing idea. "Cal I got it!" I say excitedly. I start scribbling down lyrics and humming along with the tune. When I have a page written I look up at Calum. His eyes are bright with excitement.

"Ash, that sounds awesome." He says. We slip off of the jungle gym and walk back to where the bus is parked. It's around 1:40PM when we get back, Michael and Luke still gone.

I yawn loudly as we walk into the bus.

"Ash, why don't you take a nap? I'll wake you up in an hour or two." Calum tells me, a little bit of worry in his eyes. "You were up late with Zoey last night and up early to drop her off."

"Yeah, okay Calum. Thanks." I say with a small, grateful smile. I head back to my bunk and strip off my shirt and jeans and replacing them with a pair of sweatpants. I climb up into my bunk and plug my phone and laptop up so they would be ready to go when I woke up.

I quickly fall asleep, all of my exahstion hitting me at once.

"Ash. Ash, Ashton, Zoey is calling you." A voice says breaking through my unconciousness. I open my eyes and see Mikey holding my phone a few inches above my face and a picture of Zoey on the screen.

I snatch the phone from him muttering a quick thanks and answering the call.

"Hey Blue!" I answer cheerily but still a bit groggy.

"Oh my gosh did I wake you up? I'm so sorry I called instead of texing, but my parents found out about the concert and took my phone from me and they are threatening to throw me out. They told Issy's parents to and they did throw her out. She's packing her stuff. She has nowhere to go and neither do I, and I didn't know who else to call." She says in a rush, obviously crying.

"Oh gosh, um, pack up your stuff babe. I'll get Luke and we can come pick you guys up if you want. Stay calm baby, I'm coming." I tell her.

She thanks me, trying to take deep breaths and I tell her goodbye.

"Luke!" I yell getting up and putting my jeans and shirt from earlier on. Luke comes into the room and I explain what Zoey told me.

"Oh wow. Let's get one of the vans and go get them I guess..." He says. "I just don't know what to say honestly, I mean really, we just met them, but we have to do something, it's kinda our fault that it happened.." He rambles.

I roll my eyes and tug him through the bus. We run out of the door with a set of keys and the boys yelling after us.

I drive at the highest speed possible without going over the speed limit and we reach her house in a few hours, tops.

Luke and I get out and I see the beautiful blue haired girl that I was here for sitting in her yard ontop of a few suitcases with her head buried in her hands.

"Zoey." I say softly. She looks up with red, waery eyes.

"Gosh you actually came!" She exclaims standing up and running at me. I open my arms as she continues crying into my chest.

"Shhh it's okay Blue." I coo to her. Luke goes and loads her bags into the back and gets in the back seat while I calm her down a bit. I lead her to the passenger seat and she starts directing us to where Issy lives.

We arrive there and Luke goes to calm down Issy because unlike Zoey she was more mad than upset.

I load up Issy's bags for her and get back into the drivers seat. I slide Zoey over next to me and cuddle her into my side.

Luke and Issy get into the back and Zoey gets back in her seat. Issy whispers something to her and starts a quiet conversation that Luke and I were at a loss to hear. We drive back to the where we left, where the bus was, along with our two freaked out band members and a few managers.

Luke and I get out first, causing everyone to run at us, yelling and asking what happened. I ignore them while Luke explains and help the girls with their bags and moving them to the bus. Luke yells at me, telling me to put Issy in his bunk while I do the same with Blue.

"Come on, let's go see the other boys." I tell Zoey, leaving Issy and Luke, who had come in after giving the explaination, in the back.

"Hey Zoe, it's nice to see you again I guess, even under these.... circumstances." Mikey says getting up and hugging her. We sit down and Luke and Issy soon join us.

"So do you girls want to explain exactly what happened?" Our tour manager asks.


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