Your Guardian Angel

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**A/N: Here we learn a little about Jody, and we get introduced to a few other angels who work in the hospital. Enjoy as always! <3 Stacey**

        “You’re … you’re an Angel?” Sam stammered.

            “Yes Sam, I am an Angel. My name is Alexandria; Jody is the name of my vessel. Dean, when you told me his name was Castiel, I knew he was my brother even though I haven’t seen him in this vessel before. But something is different about him,” She spoke as she touched Castiel’s forehead.

            “His Grace is gone. He told us whatever attacked him stole it.”

            Alexandria removed her hand and shook her head sadly. “This is most troubling. If something stole Castiel’s Grace, there is no telling what they will use it for. I will scan Angel radio and ask our brothers and sisters for help in identifying the culprit.”

            Dean shot to his feet. “If you’re an Angel, then why don’t you just fix him? Why make him suffer like this?!” Dean bellowed.

            “Don’t take that tone with me Winchester. If I could heal Castiel, I would. But this goes far beyond my capabilities. I am a low level angel. I can only heal minor injuries; not something like this.”

            “Can’t you at least wake him up? I need to know that he knows how I feel. Please.” Dean begged, his previous anger long gone.

            Alexandria shook her head. “I’m sorry Dean, but you have to believe me when I say, that waking him up now would just put more strain on his heart. Castiel would be in unbearable pain if he were awake. But I can promise you that once his brain has healed, I will be able to wake him if he doesn’t do so on his own.” Alexandria opened the curtain and stepped back. “You do not have to worry about Castiel being unprotected here. My brothers and sisters that work here in the hospital will assist me in watching over him, that much I can assure. No demon is able to enter this place without alerting myself or one of the others.”

            The days that followed Alexandria’s revelation passed slowly for the Winchesters. The staff in the ICU had become quite familiar with them, and it wasn’t until an intern found them sleeping in their car in the parking lot, did they allow Sam and Dean to stay with Castiel after visiting hours were over. Winter was fast approaching, and with it plummeting temperatures and a higher risk for hypothermia. Castiel’s condition stayed the same; though it didn’t deteriorate, it didn’t improve. Dean was beginning to worry that Castiel would never heal and he would never see those sky blue eyes again.

            Over the course of the week, Alexandria introduced Sam and Dean to the other angels working in the hospital; Samara, Constantine, Gadreel and Alaina. They were kind souls, and the Winchesters knew they could trust them to watch over Castiel. Samara had taken a liking to the boys and mothered them incessantly.

            “I brought you boys some pie from the cafeteria. I hope you like blueberry,” Samara announced as she entered the room. Dean’s eyes lit up as she handed him a Styrofoam container. He opened the lid and took a whiff, smiling at the aroma.

            “Thank you Samara. I love blueberry pie.” Dean smiled at the blonde middle-aged woman.

            Sam couldn’t help but chuckle. “Dean loves all kinds of pie. He’s a glutton for pie.”



            Samara laughed at the good-natured ribbing between brothers before checking Castiel’s vitals. “Castiel seems to be improving since the removal of part of his skull. The swelling is beginning to decrease and his heart rate, blood pressure and respirations are holding steady and strong. If things continue to improve at this rate, he should be waking up in a few weeks,” She stated, trailing a hand up and down Castiel's arm.

            Dean had refused to let anyone other than himself bathe Cass. The orderlies who usually bathed the patients worked with mechanical motions and stiff hands. Even though Castiel wasn’t conscious, he deserved to be bathed with soft hands and gentle touches.


**I'm sorry it's such a short chapter! I was supposed to be away at a concert all day, but it was postponed cause Gaga got bronchitis :(. So I decided to get on and post a small chapter :)**

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