ch.1 Ways to be wicked

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3rd P. O. V

"let's give Auradon a taste of Evil, Wicked ways beneath the skin let all who taste it now join in" mal says before they all laugh evilly all of them start to sing as they add Apples to a cauldron. "Weve got all the ways to be W-i-c-k-e-d" Carlos with a bucket of apples pours it down the hallway everyone turns and picks one up immediately biting into one. They start to dance and what not. Safe to say everyone was dancing except Ryan and Ben who had just got done with king and Royal adviser duties stepping into the Courtyard Evie and Mal both throw their apples to Ryan and Ben who bite into them.

In the courtyard was Mal getting bombarded with Questions. Rumors going around that Ryan was going to purpose to Evie at Cotillion. But every time someone asks him or ben about the topic Ryan changes the subject and Ben just simply says "I don't know if he will purpose to her on that day but I know definitely in the future that he and Evie will be engaged at some point" Evie herself wanted the rumors to be true, as she had fallen deeply in love with Ryan over the last couple of months. Them going on constant dates him getting her a lot of surprises like ben does to mal.

In the courtyard Mal, Jay, Carlos and Evie walk down the sidewalk as plenty of girls wave at Jay Carlos turns to Jay "why must you torture them? Just pick one to go to Cotillion already" "I'm flying solo so I can dance with them all" jay responded and the girls rolled their eyes before Carlos asked "if you we're to pick one how would you ask them?" In which jay responded with a smirk "you just got to look like me" Jane walks up and Carlos gets nervous and says "hi Jane.. " she smiled at him before jay pulled him away and Lonnie pulls evie away talking about her dress fitting as Jane talks to Mal about the Cotillion before Lonnie and Evie come over and joined Mal and Jane once again "I can't wait for your wedding!" Lonnie gushed and mal without thinking says "me too" before she realized what lonnie said "wait what?" "A royal cotillion is to be engaged to be engaged to be engaged everyone knows that" lonnie says and mal shook her head "I didn't nobody told me" mal was freaking out when Ben came from behind her evie Lonnie and Jane chorused "hi ben" before Evie asked "where's Ryan?" He smiled "he should be in your room calculating all of the prices and such" ben said and jane pulled him aside asking him about the picture he had her design for the cotillion for mal Evie heads to her dorm room where ryan was sprawled out across her bed relaxing. Evie smiled at the sight of her boyfriend on her bed "Ryan" she spoke softly gaining his attention "hi there Princess" he says smiling at her as he sat up hours later after they we're done with their appointments they laid together on her bed holding onto one another

//Hi First chapter tell me what you think//

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