Ch 4: Fear of losing the one you love

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Evie's P.O.V

"What did you do?" i exclaim glaring at Quinn. of course she had something to do with this. "She had nothing to do with this Evie" Ryan says standing a bit in front of Quinn almost as if protectively. "i asked someone to give me insight of the future and in the future you cheat on me with Chad of all people! but in the future i'm with Quinn, we're married and with twins" Ryan continues turning his head to look at Quinn with a loving smile, the kind of smile i used to get when he looked at me the way he is Quinn. Mal looks at quinn "what did you do to him?" "she did nothing" came an all too familiar voice, i turn and see Fear son of Dr. Facilier. "i just showed him what he wanted to see, he thinks he's not good enough for you Evie. and so his thoughts got all jumbled with the truth of to what actually happens in the future."Fear states. 


waking up in some type of dream land he was in a bed in a weird looking place. he heard someone move next to him and he cautiously looked over to the girl who just woke up beside him the blue haired girl smiled at him "good morning darling" she says as she slowly sits up crying could be heard from down the hall and she rushed out of the room "the twins are up" she says his mouth opened widely as he stared in horror 'i woke up next to what looks like an older version of Evie and i apparently have kids? what the hell is going on?!' he thought as he got up out of bed going into the bathroom to look in the mirror he sighed when he saw himself in the mirror just the way he was before waking up in dream land. the Blue haired girl poked her head into the bathroom "I know you still think about Quinn and how she broke your heart all those years ago when she cheated on you with Chad but then you came back to me and we got married, and we had twins and i'm happy with you, are you happy too? can't we just be happy together" she asked as she came in hugging Ryan from behind. "I am Happy Evie as long as I'm with you"


"Nothing Is worse then losing the one you love" Quinn taunts Evie looping her arm with Ryans and leaving the restaurant.  "Why is he with her?" Evie asks looking at fear with a glare,  "he's with her because he feels like he's suppose to be with her" fear replied. 

Forever yours||Evie Queen[2]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang