"Idiot girl mauled by werewolf cousin."

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Werewolves. Man-eating werewolves. A person who changes for periods of time, into a wolf.

The boy I've grown up with. My own flesh and blood, my best friend, he terrifies me. And I can't stand to be near him. I woke up before him, I left the house before him. I even lied to my Aunt, and told her I was leaving early to catch up on Econ work.

Scott low-key/high-key terrifies me. For all I know, on the next full moon, he could go crazy like he did to stiles and attack me. Am I crazy?

Now, I sit outside of the school, waiting for Allison. While I have no idea what happened at the party, I still need to see if she's okay. Is that what a good friend does? I pull my sleeves over my hands and begin to pick at the threads, my mind a million miles away.

I'm so consumed in my thoughts that I didn't realize the tall brunette had already walked up to me, and was now waving her hand in front of my face, "Artemis? You still here?"

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't get much sleep last night." I laugh, lying through my teeth, "Um, so how did last night go? Scott seemed pretty sick when he got home." Another lie. Does this make me a bad friend?

She groans, "Things were great. Really great. Then Scott ran off and I didn't know where he went. I ended up getting a ride from his friend Derek-"

"Derek Hale?" I cut her off, my voice harsh. Friend? She flinches and I cover my mouth, with my sleeved hand.

"Yeah..." she looks confused. Why did she get a ride with him? Why did he offer? "He said he knew Scott. Is there something I should know about him? He seemed nice, I guess."

"No!" I start, louder than I intended, "No. Sorry, I just haven't heard that name in a while. He only recently returned to town..." I trail off, only a partial lie this time. I inwardly curse myself, and Scott for putting me in this position.

"So, either way, Scott apologised to me. It was so sweet." She gushes, a sickly sweet smile on her face, "I also may have told him that we're going to watch the practice the today." She trails off, the sweet smile turning to a smirk. Promptly followed by a groan from my lips.


Coach Finstock stands, whistle in hand, his natural habitat, explaining the practice today. Apparently, today is one-on-one. Let's hope Scott can control himself. We don't need the captain injured.

The whistle blows and the matches start, Jackson decimating most of them. The coach watching closely, yelling at poor Greenberg every few minutes. What even is Greenberg's first name?

"Let's go. McCall, what're you waiting for?" Coach shouts, the whistle following close after, "Lets go."

Oh crap. Scott starts his run, only to get knocked straight on his ass. Coach walks to him, laughing sarcastically, and says something quiet enough that Allison and I, who are sitting in the front row, cannot hear.

Scott runs back to the front of the line, "McCall's gonna do it again!" Coach announces, the humour evident in his voice, "McCall's gonna do it again!"

Scott starts his run, his movements more powerful than before, his pace quicker. He connects with Jackson, sending him flying to the ground clasping his shoulder. Scott drops to the ground as well, holding his head. Crap, crap, crap!

I stand to my feet, my mouth gaped, trying to decide whether to stay where I am or to run to Scott. Evidently, my heart outweighs my head and I run to him, my hands shaking as I do so. What if he attacks me?

Stiles rips his helmet off and drops to Scott's level as I reach them. When I drop down I notice the elongated canines that Scott is suddenly sporting, and my heart rate picks up. No, not now Scott!

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