I have read way too many crime novels

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I wander through the bright white halls of Beacon Hills Hospital, trying to find my way out after dropping off some homemade lasagna for my Aunt who, once again, is working the late shift. As i finally find the front desk, i see a familiar scrawny figure, reading a pamphlet for the menstrual cycle. Sitting not far from him, is a blob of bright orange hair and brilliantly done makeup.

A small bit of rage flows through me, focused on the fact that where one is, the other quickly follows. I walk up to the boy slowly, quietly sitting in the seat next to him, my body turned towards him slightly. He doesn't notice my presence, or the fact that i am glaring a hole into the side of his head.

"Whatcha' reading Stiles?" I ask, attempting to stifle a giggle as the boy in front of me launches out of his seat upon hearing my voice.

"Hey..." he trails off, noticing the anger raging between my eyes.

"Where is he?" i demand, not leaving any room for Stiles to lie to me or protest my question.

"In the morgue."


"Smelling a dead body..."

I groan, leaning my head back against the wall, "You two are disgusting, you know that?"

Stiles turns his head and i follow his line of sight, groaning once again as i see the blob of orange sucking face with her boyfriend. I lightly smack Stiles on the shoulder, and whisper, "Its rude to stare you know?"

He turns to me, the face of innocence shining back at me. He sends me a small smirk as i roll my eyes at him. Suddenly his pamphlet is snatched out of his hands, Stiles voicing his surprise as i look up to see the face of my dear  cousin staring down at us.

"Hey, Em..." I fix him with a glare worse than the one i was burning Stiles with, and he immediately looks away, hopefully regretting his asshole-ness of the previous day.

"The scent was the same." he directs towards stiles. The boy nearly knocking me off balance as he springs from his chair.

"You sure?"


The buzzed boy lets out a deep sigh, my eyes still following them from my seat, "So he did bury the other half of the body on his property."

At this, i too, spring from my seat, "What? Who?" Only to be disregarded as the two continue yammering.

"Which means we have proof he killed the girl." Derek. My mind races as i follow the two boys, not listening to their conversation, only thinking of how i have come face to face with a killer. Once again exaggerating. I really should have taken Drama Class.

"Okay. Then we're gonna need a shovel." Stiles says before patting both Scott and I on the shoulder, leading us out towards his car.


As we pull up to the extra-crispy house, Grumpzilla's car headlights shine down a dirt road, driving away from the house. Scott and Stiles pile out of the car, and I, who has absolutely no interest in busting my ass digging up something which will most likely traumatize me, exit the car, only to take a seat on the hood of Stiles' 'baby'.

A New Moon - Teen Wolf [ON HOLD]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant