I also don't think blue smoke is meant to come out of a bullet wound.

5 0 0

There is nothing more frustrating then when one is sitting in class, waiting to get a test back, and your cousin is sitting near you bouncing his leg up and down at a pace you didn't know was even possible. All the while his best friend is sitting behind him, to your backward diagonal, tapping his pencil on the table.

Said best friend leans forward, tapping Scott on the shoulder, "If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?"

Scott shrugs, "I don't know."

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?"

"I don't know," he shrugs again.

Stiles slumps back, sighing deeply through his nose before darting forward to ask another question about Allison's dad.

I rest my head down on the table and grunt lowly, listening as Scott almost yells to stiles that he in fact, still doesn't know.

My test comes around, a B+ marked in bold red at the top of my page. Not my best but definitely not my worst.

A hell of a lot better than Scott's.

"Dude, you need to study more." Stiles mutters to him.

Scott smacks his paper down, prompting me to roll my eyes, "It was a joke, Scott. It's one test. You're gonna make it up."

"Do you want help studying?" Stiles asks.

Since the incident in the locker room, I've been stubbornly closed off to Scott. Then with the Isaac incident, quickly followed by the Stiles confrontation and the Derek incident, I've been stuck in my own head, going over who could possibly be Scott's Alpha.

If Derek's sister was able to change into a wolf, but Derek and Scott aren't, but Scott's Alpha can, was she an Alpha? And does that mean that another of Derek's family members could be an Alpha? How is the Alpha-ness handed down? How does one become an Alpha?

I have a lot of research to do after school.

"Fine. no more talk about the Alpha, or Derek. Especially Derek. Who still scares me." Stiles mumbles.

The bell rings, thankfully, signalling the escape from this hell-hole and from the two dorks until later tonight.

My ponytail whips around, moving with the speed of my movements to leave and have some much needed alone time. As much as I love my dear cousin, he doesn't understand when I am uncomfortable or when I simply want some normal time apart like every human does.

His werewolf secrets seems to make him paranoid that I will tell the wrong person.

A tall and extremely pale figure stands by the parking lot, looking for something. Liquid drips one of his jacket sleeves and his brooding brow is lowered in exhausted concentration.

"Derek?" I asks, rushing over to the shaking man once he turns to me.

Despite the fear of what he is, he has never displayed any rude feelings towards me, and he doesn't scare me like he does to Stiles for some reason.

He walks away from me, moving to stand in the middle of the road, arm outstretched and stopping Stiles' jeep. Horns honk around them but still Derek doesn't move, not until he falls back and i regretfully attempt to catch him.

"What are you doing here?" Scott rushes over, moving the large man from my smaller frame.

"I was shot." He grunts.

"Oh my god," I whisper, moving my hands from his dripping arm.

"He's not looking so good, dude."

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