Godspeed, Teen Wolf

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I walk through the entrance of the school with Scott and Stiles, who i seem to not be able to rid. They're incredibly friendly, almost as if me hiding Scott's furry secret warrants them to keep me around. In worse (great) news, since the discovery of Stiles having my number, the hyperactive lad will often text me.

No reasoning, no substance, just simple text messages. Almost as if we are friends, which is completely ridiculous. There are many other people of substance who he could waste his time texting.

Nevertheless, i trail behind the two, listening in on their conversation about the dream Scott had last night, the one involving him and my friend, who recently we caught sucking face in the boys locker room.

"So you killed her?" Stiles asks, holding the door open for Scott and ushering me through. He shoots me a small smirk, one of which i can't debunk.

"I don't know, I just woke up," Scott answers, the two boys falling back into line in front of me, "I was sweating like crazy and i couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where i woke up like that before."

"Really?" I ask, my mind flashing back to countless nights waking up in a pool of tears and sweat, accompanying some nightmare, generally about my parents.

"I have." Stiles begins as i speak, "Usually ends a little differently." My face contorts in disgust as i let out a small snort. My hand immediately flies to my face, covering my nose and reddening cheeks. The two boys turn around, both finding amusement in my embarrassment.

"A, I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real, and B, never give me that much detail about you in bed again."

"Okay, "I start, fixing my bag strap on my shoulder, "I'm gonna take that as my opportunity to leave." I bid goodbye to the two, trailing off, my face still bright red as i attempt to calm my embarrassment, and slip my earphones into my ears, ignoring any and all announcements or whispers from people. Something big must've happened?


I trudge behind Scott and Stiles, my lunch tray grasped tightly in my hands. Their conversation falls on my deaf ears, as i sit down next to them at a lunch table, my earphones resting comfortably in my ears, and the calming sound of Fall Out Boy's 'America's Sweethearts' fills my ears at a considerably loud volume.

Still ignoring their conversation, I look up from my tray, my blue eyes flicking across the room, landing on different faces. From Greenberg, sitting with some kids from the lacrosse team, to a blonde girl, Erica, who often sits alone, sans from a sweet dark-skinned boy named Vernon, who sits a table away, his eyes almost always on the girl. Then over to a familiar tall, curly haired boy, who i had no idea even went to BHHS. Isaac.

His blue eyes lock with mine momentarily and he flashes a large but shy smile, and i feel a small blush creeping onto my face. I smile back at him, hoping not to attract the attention of the two boys sitting with me, one of which -unfortunately - notices almost immediately.

Stiles, who is seated directly across from Scott, and is able to see the expression on my face, notices quickly, his head whipping around to search for the source of my happiness. Thankfully, Isaac had at this point, turned back to his meal and found himself absorbed in a conversation with his friend, leaving Stiles to still search like a madman.

"You're crazy Em," he reveals, after almost a minute of looking, with no possible reason as to why I would be smiling into thin air. I slowly return the earphone, which the boy reached across the table to remove, back to my ear, and let the soothing sounds of Patrick Stump calm my mind.

As of late, I find myself thinking less and less about Stiles, my school girl crush quickly dwindling in favour of this new boy with curly blonde hair. Thankfully nobody but myself knows or knew of my feelings, leaving me with no need to explain the change. Especially not to my dear, not very protective/protective to prove a point cousin.

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