Hey guys, we left my bike at the school

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The smell of coffee smothers my senses as I sip my drink, the coffee house bustling around me. Self proclaimed hipsters order specialty 'gourmet' coffees and workers stressed from their long day order simple drinks to get their energy fix before they head home.

I, unlike the others, order a hot chocolate, my taste for tea too picky to entrust others with making it and my taste buds disagreeing with every aspect of coffee, except I do enjoy the intoxicating smell. My eyes skim over the first act of Shakespeare's 'Othello'.

Just as I reach Iago's first soliloquy, my phone bursts to life, the ringtone obnoxiously blaring and I internally groan, hoping that it's not my Aunt telling me to be home in time for the curfew. Instead, it's a name I didn't expect, Stiles. I catch the glare of other coffee house patrons, and with a heavy blush, mutter apologies before grabbing my book and my to-go cup and answer the call as I exit the establishment.


"No time for pleasantries. Batman is off contaminating a crime scene. Help."

"Batman? What?" My face contorts, brow furrowed in confusion, "Can I have a better explanation please?"

The boy sighs deeply through the line and I can almost hear his eye roll, "Scott and I are at the school, and Derek managed to convince Scott that to find out if he attacked your bus driver he needed to enter a crime scene and, I don't know, sniff everything."

Now it's my turn to sigh, "Do you two know what time it is? We have school tomorrow and you're out sniffing things and trespassing on school property."

"Oh, I'm sorry mom I didn't know that I wasn't allowed to trespass on school property," the boy snarks, his voice raising on certain words to emphasize his sarcasm, "Can you just come here, please? I'm bored and I hate playing Robin to his Batman."

"You want me to trespass, because you're bored and want company?"

"You are correct."

I sigh once again, shoving my book into my bag and dumping my half finished drink into a nearby bin, "You're lucky I wanna know if Scott did try to kill this guy. I'm just as Aja's, I'll be there soon."

"Thanks Em!" The dial tone follows.

I push my phone into the back pocket of my jeans, climbing onto my bike for what seems like the millionth time tonight and set off, this time in search of a hyperactive boy with a blue Jeep.


Just my luck, the rain starts pouring down before I reach the school. My hair sticks to the sides of my face, dangerously close to covering my eyes and I can feel my damp bag resting against my back. Hopefully, my book is still alive in there.

A side gate to the schools bus yard comes into view as I pedal slightly faster, weary of the now slippery roads.

The pale blue Jeep comes into view, sitting unmoving in front of the gate and from the looks of the shadow inside I can only guess that Stiles is sitting there, most likely in a grump because he is 'playing Robin to Scott's Batman.'

Does that make me Batwoman?

I unceremoniously hope off my bike, my sneakers splashing water up onto the leg of my jeans, soaking the fabric. I groan deeply before dragging the contraption over to the passenger side door of the Jeep. Stiles sits, still staring out past the fence and not noticing my disgruntled presence.

With a huff I knock heavily on the window, watching as the boy inside lurches and shouts quietly, before reaching across and, finally, unlocks the door allowing me to drop my bike and climb into the high up car.

A New Moon - Teen Wolf [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now