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Eyebrows knitted together in deep concentration, she strolled up the aisle of the supermarket. Armed with a trolley and a shopping list she was at the optimum shopping mode and nothing was going to get in her way. Glancing at the shopping list, she groaned aloud as she deciphered the scrawly scripture of her housemate, Alfred. Pop tarts... She rolled her eyes, scanning the breakfast food-clad shelves for the familiar box. 

Finding the correct label, she saw with dismay that they had sold out. God, what am I going to do now? Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she dialled Alfred's number. 

"Yo, (Y/N)!" His loud voice echoed down the phone. "What's up? Do you need me to pick you up already?" he asked, chuckling.

"No, I just wanted to let you know that they're all out of Pop Tarts," she paused, allowing that to sink in for Alfred. Oh, big boxes of Crunchy Nut on special offer... She put one in the trolley. Crunchy Nut was pretty good cereal.

"What?" She rolled her eyes at his typical overly dramatic reaction. Here comes the rant... "Okay, you see, (Y/N), this is why I should have stayed in America! British stores suck. I mean, what kind of civilised society doesn't have Pop Tarts?"

She giggled. "Well, you should have just bought a hundred or so boxes with you when you moved. Next time, you're doing the shopping," she warned, "I seriously hate this kind of thing."

He tsked down the phone. "I thought all females loved to shop. Are you sure you're doing it right, (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, well that is one gender role I refuse to conform to," she muttered, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, I've gotta carry on with the shopping. Pick me up in half an hour, I should be done by then."

"Yes boss," he replied, and she could tell that he was grinning. "I'll see you later." He hung up.

"Yeah, bye then..." She shoved her phone into her pocket and trudged down the aisle. Looking at the list, she realised, with overwhelming joy, that she had actually finished the shopping. She had managed to pick up everything on the list (with the exception of the Pop Tarts) and she still had about twenty minutes until she needed to pay.

"To the books!" she announced dramatically, receiving weird looks from the other shoppers. She sped down the aisles, skilfully manoeuvring the trolley away from possible hazards. She came to an abrupt halt, reaching the book aisle. Not only was it her favourite aisle in the entire supermarket, it was also incredibly well-placed, positioned right next to the gaming and entertainment aisle which meant that she could look at the books whilst Alfred looked at the video games. She could be there browsing the books for an hour or so (If they had a good stock, a rare occurrence) before the staff would start giving her suspicious glances and she had to leave.

Her eyes roamed the shelves methodically, looking for an appealing book title or an author who she liked. To her dismay, the only books in stock were children's books and boring autobiographies. "Why are these books all so awful?" she moaned aloud.

"Tell me about it," a voice agreed, chuckling. Surprised, she turned to see a man with blonde, mussed-up hair standing next to her, holding a copy of Go, dog. Go! in his pale hands. "They could at least have had some books that cater for young adults who actually want to read."

He turned to her now, a bushy eyebrow cocked. He had shocking jade eyes that seemed to glow with intensity and his bushy eyebrows only attracted more attention. His cheeks were a slight pink, due to the cold weather which explained his black coat and his Union Jack scarf.

She blushed slightly under his intense gaze and smiled softly at him. "Exactly! I mean, just because it's a supermarket doesn't mean that they can't sell decent books, right?"

He nodded in agreement. "It's nice to see someone who shares my opinion and, presumably, my love of books." He stuck his hand out for her to shake. "My name's Arthur. Arthur Kirkland. Delighted to meet you."

"Oh, I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)" she said, shaking his hand. "It's nice to meet you too."

He was about to say something else, but was interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing. Scowling slightly, she glanced at her phone and was surprised to see that Alfred was already outside waiting.

"Sorry, I've got to go now," she apologised, turning the trolley around. "Someone's picking me up outside, and they're waiting for me."

"Your boyfriend?" he asked.

She shook her head, laughing slightly. "No, we just live together. He's just a friend. We go to the same University."

"Ah, I see." He nodded, and zipped up his coat. "I suppose I should be going now too."

"Okay. Well, it was nice meeting you Arthur." She began to head towards the tills. "Bye!" She waved at him before rushing off.

Alfred was totally going to pick on her for being late.


Arthur stood in front of the house that, according to his quick research, housed Alfred F. Jones and (Y/N). Alfred's car wasn't in the driveway yet, so he went with the assumption that neither Alfred nor (Y/N) was home yet. Checking that nobody was watching him, Arthur picked the lock on the front door and, hearing the resounding click of the tumblers, pushed the door open. The interior of the house surprised him. For two young adults, it was very clean and tidy. The living room was a beige-cream colour with two plush, white sofas that were facing the television. The television was a modern one, complete with a Sky box and an XBOX One which, Arthur assumed, belonged to Alfred. He didn't bother going into the kitchen and instead headed straight up the stairs, conscious that the two that lived in the house could come back at any point. There were three rooms upstairs, the first door was open and Arthur saw that it was a bathroom. The second door had the label "ALFRED" written on it, so Arthur bypassed that one. The third door was shut and plain, with no label on it. Arthur tested the door handle and found that it wasn't locked, gaining him easy access.

The door swung open, and Arthur stepped inside. His beady eyes scanned the room and he smirked at how simple it had been so far. Oh, (Y/N), you do make it easy for me... It had been instantaneous, the desire to find out more about (Y/N). Since their brief encounter in the supermarket he had immediately wanted to know more about her and he knew that coming to her house would be the easiest way to do it. He supposed that he had become slightly fixated on a stranger, but that didn't really bother him. The fact that he was currently trespassing didn't bother the Brit either.

He waltzed around her room, looking for something small to take home with him. He looked on the girl's mantelpiece to see an array of photographs, all of them in pristine frames. There was a photo of (Y/N) with her parents, a photo of her at prom, a photo of her with Alfred on what he guessed was their first day at their house and another one of just (Y/N) on her birthday (he knew this because she was wearing a birthday badge). He smiled fondly at the photos and considered taking one, but decided against it. She would probably notice it if he took one of the framed photographs, he needed take something else, something smaller.

He walked over to the bookshelf, quickly scanning the many books that lined the shelves. He chuckled, thankful for the fact that she was such a bookworm. If she hadn't have gone to the book aisle in that particular supermarket, then they never would've met.

He found what he was looking for right on the bottom shelf. It was a photo album. Bending down, he picked up the album, and plonked himself on her bed to browse through the album's contents. The book was filled of photos, page after page. The only problem was that none of the photos were actually of (Y/N). There were several family photos, a few photos of friends and some specially dedicated to Alfred, but there were none of her. About to give up, Arthur turned to the last page to see just what he wanted. The last photograph was one of (Y/N), smiling brightly, her wide (E/C) eyes peering innocently at the camera. An arm was wrapped around her shoulders, and Arthur scowled at Alfred's grinning expression. Pulling the photograph out of the album, he slid his pen from his coat and scribbled all over Alfred's face, so that the only visible face was (Y/N)'s.

"Perfect," he muttered, smiling down at the photo. "Absolutely bloody perfect."

His ears perked up as he heard a car pull up in the driveway and the sound of a male's loud, obnoxious voice filled his ears. "Shit," he whispered, jumping off the bed and peering out of the window to see (Y/N) and Alfred heading towards the house. "Oh, bloody hell."

Quickly placing the album back on the shelf, Arthur sprinted down the stairs and opened the back door (which, thankfully, was not locked) and rushed out into the garden. Making sure that no-one could see him, he ran around the garden and headed for the street. On his way, he clearly heard (Y/N)'s voice yell "Alfred, you forgot to close the back door!" Oh dear, Arthur forgot to shut the door. 

He was on the street now, and he stood underneath one of the streetlights that was now lit due to the early night.

"(Y/N) Kirkland." He tested it out, as he studied the photograph that he had stolen from her room. "Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

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