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Sweet dreams, she thought, staring up at the ceiling as she lay on her bed in her pyjamas, the cover underneath her, what were they?

The past couple of days, (Y/N) had been having awful dreams, strange dreams, and they were always the same.

She was walking down a long corridor, searching for something. No, not something, she realised, someone. It was Alfred, it was always Alfred, and she couldn't find him. She walked past what felt like an infinite number of doors. She tried to open them, but they were all locked and when she knocked there was no answer.


She jumped at the sound of a voice, but it wasn't Alfred's, it was his. Blunt, cold and sharp as glass, he called her name, over and over. She knew she shouldn't answer and she didn't. Unnerved, she began to sprint in her vain attempt to find Alfred.

After what felt like a lifetime, she reached the last door, right at the end of the corridor. She barged straight in, hoping against hope that it would be open and her friend would be there. The room was empty, and as she entered Alfred's glasses crunched underneath her feet. He never took off his glasses, she thought, the feeling of dread intensifying as she picked the broken glasses up and placed them in her pocket.

The slamming of a door made her turn around and she froze. As he stood there, his eyes were all she saw, bright green and unblinking.

And then she would wake up, frightened and shivering. It had been the same dream every night since Arthur had threatened to hurt Alfred. She hoped that now she'd forgiven him and said that they would be friends, the dreams would stop, but she knew it wasn't likely.

(Y/N) checked her phone and saw that it was one in the morning. She could still hear the sound of gunfire and Alfred's loud laughter from downstairs. (Y/N) wanted to go downstairs and sit with Alfred and fall asleep to the sound of his videogames. She felt too frightened to fall asleep by herself, but she wasn't sure if she could stand being in the same room as Arthur again.

Biting her lip, she decided that she'd rather not be sat alone, unable to sleep. She would be the bigger person. She grabbed her blanket, her pillow and headed downstairs.

As she had expected, Alfred was sat on the sofa, his long legs dangling over the side. Arthur was the first to notice her. "(Y/N)," he said, looking away from the screen, "still awake?" She couldn't help detecting the concern in his voice and she felt a rush of anger despite herself: if it weren't for him plaguing her dreams she would be asleep.

Alfred turned around then and (Y/N) winced as his character got shot and died, Alfred wouldn't like that when he turned around. "Hey dude, you okay?" He was equally concerned and she was grateful she had such a good friend.

(Y/N) shrugged. "I couldn't sleep. You mind if I join you guys?"

"Sure!" They cried simultaneously, both making space on their sofas. (Y/N) took the space next to Alfred. She sat cross-legged, pulled the blanket up to her neck and ignored the strange look Arthur was giving her.

"So anyways," Alfred was saying as he sprayed bullets everywhere, killing fellow gamers left and right, "the holiday. You up for it?"

It took a while for (Y/N) to realise Alfred was talking to Arthur. She was nearly falling asleep already, but she knew immediately what Alfred was doing and she just couldn't let him. "You can't be serious, Alfred! You're inviting to him to the beach holiday? Our holiday, as in, the one next week?"

Now it was Alfred's turn to give her a strange look. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Arthur's smirk and it unnerved her. "Well yeah," Alfred replied, "what's wrong with that?"

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