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"Wow..." she muttered, stepping into Arthur's apartment. "Your apartment is beautiful," she remarked, crossing the living room to stand in front of one of the large windows overlooking the London streets. "I love the view. It's just gorgeous."

Arthur crossed the threshold, locking the front door. He shrugged off his coat, hanging it on the coat hook.

"I'm glad you like it," he commented, leaving her to look out of the window whilst he trudged into the kitchen. "Would you like a drink?" he asked, already preparing two glasses of champagne. His hands trembled as he set the glasses on the counter, he couldn't believe his luck.

After spending two weeks fantasising about (Y/N), she was here, in his apartment and he hadn't done anything apart from be himself. The champagne bottle popped as the cork sprung off and he filled the two glasses to the brim. He carried the two glasses into the living room and set his on the coffee table before handing (Y/N)'s glass to her. "Here you go, love."

Blushing at the pet name, she accepted the glass and sipped the bubbly substance. He moved forward so that he was stood directly behind her and she could feel his warm breath tickle her neck. "I don't think I've told you yet," he began, removing the now empty champagne glass from (Y/N)'s grasp. "But you look absolutely splendid." To reinforce this point, he looked her up and down as if judging her appearance. "I can't believe that you're here."

She turned to him then, a look of curiosity outlining her features. "Why can't you believe that I'm here?"

He ran his fingers along her bare arms, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps from his touch. "Because you're beautiful, and beautiful people don't tend to come home with people like me."

Again, she blushed, her face turning an adorable tint of red. "Well, I don't understand why." She leaned in then, so close that he could smell the lingering scent of alcohol on her breath. "I wouldn't want to go home with anyone else." That was probably the alcohol talking, he supposed. Then again, perhaps this whole evening had been a result of the alcohol talking... No. He thought, staring into her eyes. Those lovely eyes. Don't think like that, this is how it's supposed to be.

He brought a hand up to caress her cheek. "Thank you," he chuckled, brushing a thumb over her lips. She was about to say something then, but he'd already closed the gap between them. Eyes automatically fluttering closed, Arthur leant in and brushed his lips against (Y/N)'s. She made a little squeak of surprise, before returning the kiss. Her lips overlapped with his as he moved his arms so that they were wrapped around her waist. As if following his lead, her arms moved up to twine around his neck as the kiss deepened. They moved in sweet synchronisation, heads tilted, and lips working hard in motion. By now, Arthur had opened his eyes to study (Y/N). Her beautiful (E/C) hues were shut, her eyelids trembling as he kissed her lips, her hair seemed to shimmer in the light and he wanted, so badly, to run his hand through it. Ending the kiss, Arthur turned (Y/N) so that he was behind her and they were both facing the window.

She smiled at their reflection as he began to kiss her neck. Glancing at her expression through her reflection from the window, Arthur grinned at their image, it just seemed to work perfectly. Yes...This is how it is supposed to be. He kissed a particular spot only to receive a barely-repressed moan coming from the female in front of him. The noise startled Arthur and he blushed slightly before continuing kissing that specific area causing (Y/N) to let out another elicit moan.

"Y'know..." she began, causing Arthur to pause. "This is a really weird coincidence, isn't it?"

"Mmm," he mumbled against her neck, vibrating her body.

"I mean," she continued, her eyes closed as she revelled in the feeling of Arthur's lips on her neck. "It's just that, before today, I'd completely forgotten about you."

He stopped then, frowning against her neck. Forgotten about him? After she'd plagued his thoughts for so long she'd had the gall to forget about him. "Forgotten?" He squeaked out, trying to sound calm.

"Uh yeah," she giggled, "sorry about that."

He sighed, wondering whether he should bother confronting her about it. After all, he didn't want to scare her off now. "It's okay," he continued kissing her. "You're here now," he whispered, too quiet to be audible.

She yawned, and Arthur glanced to the clock to see that it was two-thirty in the morning. "Are you tired?" he asked, finally pulling away from (Y/N)'s neck. "We can go to bed now if you want." Both of their faces turned a bright scarlet at that and he quickly rephrased his sentence. "I mean, not to bed as in bed," he spluttered, "I meant sleep."

She giggled, turning to face him. "I know," she ruffled his hair. "Lead me to your bedroom then." He stuck out his hand and she took it, they both headed into Arthur's bedroom and into Arthur's bed.


The sunlight streamed in through the open sliver of curtain and she stretched herself on the king-sized bed. "Damn..." she groaned aloud, sitting up to nurse her head. "I officially have a hangover."

She glanced at the bedside table to see two painkillers and a pint of water on the surface. "Thank God..." she sighed, grabbing the painkillers and guzzling down the water. She was fully aware that she was in the apartment of the man with the big eyebrows that she had met in the supermarket, though she couldn't quite remember his name. It began with A... Albert? Arnold? Arthur? Yes, that was it, Arthur. She popped the first painkiller into her mouth, sighing with relief as it trickled down her throat. She was about to pop the second one into her mouth, but it slipped out of her numb morning fingers. "Ugh, why?" she groaned, fumbling around on the mattress for the pill. Her hands brushed against it, but she ended up sending it scrambling underneath Arthur's pillow. "Great..." she muttered, her hands scraping under the pillow searching for the painkiller, but instead she felt something strange- a texture like paper, brushing against her hand.

Not wanting to be nosey, but instantly curious, she checked to see whether Arthur was coming and then she slid the paper out from under the pillow. Immediately, she noticed that it wasn't a piece of paper- it was a photograph of some kind. Upon closer inspection, she saw that it wasn't just any photo. Eyes wide and hands trembling slightly, she studied the photo in disbelief. There was no mistaking it, this was the photo that had previously been in her photo album. She was smiling brightly at the camera, whilst Alfred wrapped his arms around her shoulder and was also grinning at the lens. For some reason, Alfred's face had been aggressively scribbled out with a black marker pen. Where on Earth did Arthur get this photo from? And why was Alfred's face scribbled out? Most importantly, why was it stuffed under his pillow?

She threw the blanket onto the ground and practically ran to the kitchen. Arthur was frying some kind of black egg when he saw her standing in the doorway. "Morning, love," he greeted, looking at her with a blush. Briefly, she noticed that she was scantily clad in one of Arthur's vest tops and her underwear. "I was making you breakfast." He scowled at the frying pan. "Well, trying to, anyway."

When he noticed that she hadn't reciprocated his greetings, he turned and studied her. "Are you okay?" She must've looked angry, which was the expression that she was going for. She stormed over to the counter and flung the photo on the side. "Where did you get this from?" She yelled, glaring at the Brit. Arthur's eyes had widened and his mouth formed an "O" in surprise.

"You gave it to me," he replied, turning his focus back to the eggs. "Last night. You said that I could keep it."

She laughed dryly. "I don't think so. Why would Alfred's face be scribbled out?"

He sighed at this, turning to her with a look of sympathy. "Gosh, you must've drunk quite a lot last night. Can't you remember? You'd had a massive fall out with Alfred. You spent quite a while ranting about it, actually."

She wanted to slap Arthur. Couldn't he tell that she knew he was lying? "I didn't fall out with Alfred last night," she said, keeping her tone firm.

He sighed again. He placed his spatula down on the counter and walked towards her. He placed his hands onto her shoulders and looked straight in her eyes. "Yes, you did. You fell out with Alfred, which is why you went to that club, thus the reason why you are here instead of back at your house."

She stepped back from him, glaring into his jade eyes. "That still doesn't explain why it was under your pillow."

He shrugged. "I keep important things underneath my pillow, love. That just happened to be one of them." Okay, because that's not creepy...

"Okay." She turned and grabbed her dress, shoes and bag. Quickly pulling her dress on over Arthur's vest top, she headed for the front door. "I'm going now, and if I gave you my number, don't bother to get in touch." She could see that he was about to reply, to protest, but she didn't want to hear it. She swung the door open and stormed out, planning on never seeing that liar again.


Arthur sighed, listening to (Y/N)'s footsteps echoing down the stairs. He glanced to the counter happy that she had left the photo behind. Her last statement replayed in his head, over and over again. "If I gave you my number, don't bother to get in touch..." He bit his lip nervously, flopping on the sofa with the photo still in his hand. "Oh (Y/N)," he muttered, "I'm only lying for your sake." He then ripped the photo in half, so that Alfred was on one side whilst (Y/N) was on the other. Crushing the photo of Alfred, he chucked it so in a perfect arch so that it landed in the bin.

Alfred was going to cause Arthur a particularly large amount of trouble. He had known that from the start, but it was how to quench that particular problem that vexed Arthur. It was then that Arthur had a great idea. What if Alfred didn't have to be the problem? What if he was the solution?

After all, (Y/N) had told Arthur not to get in contact with her, she'd never said anything about Alfred.

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