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It had been a fortnight since the encounter with the bushy-browed Brit at the supermarket and she had completely forgotten about him. After all, she had bigger things to worry about. She had spent the past two weeks working on her University essays and coursework. The work programme had consisted of many late-night sessions with Alfred in the living room where they had lived on microwave meals and energy drinks. But, she was now finally done. It was 8:00PM on a Friday night and she had just typed up her concluding paragraph. After sending off the essay to her professor, she shut the laptop with a resounding force and kicked off her slippers. She took of her onesie, revealing her vest top and leggings (typical working attire).

What can I do now? Her mind wondered to a million things that she could do on a Friday night and it all seemed to lead to one answer: party. Grinning, she slid along the hallway in her socks and rapped on Alfred's door.

"Come in!" Alfred yelled.

Upon entering, she saw to her immediate dismay that Alfred was still hard at work. Empty coffee cups were strewn all over his bedroom floor, his bed wasn't made and he was sat on his laptop wearing only his Captain America shirt and a pair of boxers. He didn't even look up as he typed away furiously, his face etched in deep concentration. "Hey, (Y/N). What's up?"

Tap, tap, tap. His fingers must have been going at about a mile a minute or something, it was ridiculous. "Uh..." she began, suddenly uncertain. She had gone to convince Alfred to go out and have fun with her, but she could already see that the attempt was futile. "I was wondering if you wanted to come out with me," his eyebrows rose, but he still didn't look up. "I mean, seeing as it's a Friday night and we've been working really hard."

He exhaled deeply. The air whooshed out of him like a squashed bagpipe. "I can't, (Y/N). This is due in on Monday, sorry." He looked up at her then. "Wait a second, are you done?"

She nodded, causing him to poke his tongue out at her. "Okay," she sighed, "I'll just go on my own then, it doesn't matter." She shrugged before walking out of his room. "Oh, have fun with your essay!"

She closed the door just in time as the thump of a book or something of a similar weight hit the door. "Screw you!" Alfred yelled, but she knew he was only joking, so she continued into her room.

Striding over to the wardrobe, she yanked the doors open. She was greeted by an array of clothes, but none of them seemed to suit the evening or her current mood.

"Too trashy..." she muttered, throwing a revealing, bright red dress to the floor.

"Too casual..." That was the twenty or so fandom shirts which clattered to the floor.

"That's just disgusting..." The Christmas outfit that her mother had bought last year.

"This...Oh, this actually looks decent." She pulled out a black dress, which went to her mid-thigh. The sleeves were short, but it wasn't that cold out. She pulled it on, grateful that there was no zip on the back, otherwise she would've had to have asked for Alfred's assistance and that wouldn't have gone too smoothly.

"Oh!" She cried in slight disbelief as she stared at herself in the mirror. She looked good. The dress accentuated her lush body shape, making it snug in all of the right places. Her chest didn't look flat or too busty, the dress revealed only the smallest amount of cleavage. It was enough to look flirtatious, but not desperate. "Hair up or hair down?" She asked herself, before taking it out of its ponytail. "Down," she clarified, brushing it a bit with her fingers, so that it looked big and bouncy. She picked up her pair of black high heels that were only worn occasionally and she was ready to go.


"Where are you going?" he muttered, leaning against the lamppost. His green eyes were focused on the girl's house as they had so often been for the last two weeks. He had figured out her schedule by now and this was an unusual occurrence- a shift in the timetable. She had opened the front door, stepped out on her own and was now walking down the street. The lamplight illuminated the area and he could see that she was wearing a dress of some sort. He bit his lip, staring back at the house wondering whether Alfred was venturing out with (Y/N). After determining that she was going out by herself, Arthur made the decision to follow her. Arthur assured himself that he wasn't stalking her per se, he was just keeping her safe. That was it.

He had been walking quietly behind her for about five minutes when she whipped around. She looked startled, she must have heard a noise or something, but Arthur wasn't bothered about that. "Oh my..." he muttered, trailing off. What was she wearing? Now, that really wasn't fair. She looked even better than usual, stunning even. Arthur had previously thought that (Y/N) was perfect, but he saw that he had been wrong. Now she was perfect. Once they were together he would have to ask her to wear those kind of dresses more often.

She stopped, and Arthur stopped with her. She was outside a building, Infinity. With a quick brush of her hair and once she'd smoothed out the creases of her dress, she sauntered into the building, radiating some sort of new-found confidence. A club...Arthur frowned, looking down at his own clothes. He was wearing a cream coloured button-down shirt, with black skinny jeans. "I don't look too bad," he reassured himself. "I can go clubbing too."

Following (Y/N)'s lead, he walked to the doors and pushed them open, trying his best to appear cool and confident. Blaring lights and blasting sound filled Arthur's perception and people, so many people, swirled around him. It was bodies upon bodies. He went to the bar, positive that it would have been where she would have headed. As he walked towards the bar, he caught a glimpse of a pack of men all staring at one person in particular- (Y/N).

"I don't bloody think so," he growled, "she's mine." He pushed through the crowd of dancers and drinkers, targeting one specific area. There was a vacant seat right next to (Y/N) and he shoved himself into it and began to order his drink.

"Hey!" she protested. Her beautiful, innocent eyes blinking at him beneath her long, fluttering eyelashes. "I was ordering."

"I know, but I'm paying." He turned to the bartender, a small smirk gracing his features. "Can I have a pint of your best beer and whatever this lovely lady wants?" She blushed- blushed the sweet little thing- and his heart fluttered when she thanked him.
They sat together for a hours and it was only when she was on her eighth drink, that she recognised him. "I know you!" she exclaimed, almost falling from her seat. "You're the guy that I met in the supermarket!"

"Ah yes," he admitted, swilling the remains of his drink in his glass. He had been very careful with his alcohol intake. He had only consumed three drinks whilst she had guzzled down eight. He didn't want her to see him drunk. "I wondered when you'd recognise me." He smiled at her, causing her to smile in return.

"Sorry!" she apologised. "I can be so oblivious sometimes. I just never notice things." Thank God for that... She grabbed her phone from her bag. "Ohmygosh, it's two in the morning! Jesus, I'd better head home, Alfred will be getting worried," she announced, grabbing her bag and placing her empty glass on the bar.

Now's the time to make my move... "You don't have to, you know," he told her, being careful to keep his tone suggestive and friendly, instead of desperate and forceful.

"Don't have to do what?" she asked, an eyebrow cocked in curiosity, making her look even more adorable than before.

"Go home," he smirked, placing his own empty glass on the bar. "You could come home with me." Immediately, she blushed and Arthur's heart began to pump faster. He was honestly surprised that he hadn't fainted, it was all going so well.

"Okay." She almost whispered it, and Arthur wanted to ask her to repeat it, so he could record it and replay it endlessly. He grabbed her hand, helping her down from her stool and led her into the dark, London night.

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