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A/N: Just to warn you guys that this chapter is fairly long (almost around 6400 words!). I was going to post some of this in separate chapters, but it just didn't quite work. Also, I just want to warn you that this chapter contains mentions of sexual assault (a description of an attempted one) so if you are triggered by that or feel that you could by affected by it, then I suggest skipping that section of the chapter. (It starts with the line "Ohmygod," she mumbled as she stumbled out of the club.) Other than that, enjoy reading!

Chapter Eight

(Y/N) had to admit that, so far, the holiday had been perfect. The weather had been gorgeous, with clear blue skies and warm temperatures. The beach was lovely, the sand was soft and ran straight through (Y/N)'s fingers and she loved the feeling of walking across it with her sandals off and in her hand. The calm, cool sea was a stunning blue and they had spent most of their days paddling and swimming. On the fourth day, however, Alfred and Antonio had driven them to a nearby theme park and the bubbly American had dragged them on so many rollercoasters that (Y/N) had worried she was going to be sick.

It was the fifth day of seven and they were on the beach once more. The air had gone slightly darker as the sun had set and the group of nine were huddled around a campfire Alfred had made. (Y/N) was sat between Francis and Antonio, whilst Arthur and Alfred were sat talking directly opposite her. Whenever she looked at Alfred, she couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt. She'd practically avoided him all week, opting to spend time with Francis, Antonio and Gilbert so that she wouldn't have to speak to Arthur who had been (predictably) stuck to Alfred's side like glue.

Alfred began to pass around large cocktail sticks and marshmallows and the group fell into a comfortable silence as they roasted their sweets. "So," Alfred began as he finished his marshmallow, "I heard that there's this club in town and apparently it's really good. You guys fancy it?" he asked, looking at his friends.

As expected, everyone nodded and (Y/N) found herself smiling. It had been a long time since she'd been out with everyone and it was always fun. Besides, Alfred and Gilbert were hilarious when they drank together and (Y/N) felt as though she could do with some cheering up.

"What do you think, (Y/N)?" Alfred asked, snapping the (h/c) out of her reverie, "you wanna go?"

"Sure!" She smiled at her best friend, "seems like we could all do with a bit of a party, you know?"

"Well it's eight o'clock now," Arthur's curt voice interrupted, "so we'd best head back and get ready if we want to be out on time."

The others seemed to agree with the Brit and as everyone stood to leave, Francis linked arms with (Y/N) causing her to giggle slightly. "You know ma cherie, tonight could be your best chance with our favourite American." Francis waggled his eyebrows and winked suggestively, causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes as she playfully hit the French flirt on the arm.

"It's not gonna happen, Francis," she sighed as they headed towards Alfred's car, far behind the others, "he doesn't like me the same way I like him and alcohol can't do anything to change that."

Francis groaned loudly. "(Y/N), I love you dearly, but sometimes you can be just as oblivious as Alfred! It's clear that he likes you. He kissed you, didn't he?"

"Yes, but that was just one of his party games," she said, nervously biting at her lip. She hated talking about her feelings like this, especially with Francis. He always got her hopes up, and then she'd be left with the urge to confess her feelings to her best friend which, she knew, would ruin everything. "Spin the Bottle doesn't count. We kissed during that game, Francis," she reminded him.

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