News, Books, and Other

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It's been a while since I've written this series, I've been glad for the break to work on other things, not that I don't love Dylan and Levi. Anyway, I want to let you know that Constant Stars (this series) will be slowly leaving Wattpad and coming to a ebook near you; you can already find What Dreams May Come (and its new cover) on (I'll put the link in the comments too.) I will probably take the full book down at the end of the month and then slowly move my way through the series.

I love writing, and I'm hoping that having this series available to purchase will allow me to continue to justify spending the 20 hours a week I am writing all the works you see here. Over time, the series will be available online to purchase, and no longer on Wattpad.

What does this mean for Time of Scorn? I'm planning on posting the whole book here, and basically using Wattpad as a beta, if you will. Catching errors, learning what people like and dislike and then after a time, it too will be pulled, but the new book will take its place. 

Why is this happening? Wattpad gets a ton of revenue from ads. Only writers who have hundreds of thousands or millions of reads see any of that. I know this isn't a mainstream book, and that's okay. But I do put in a lot of time and research and care, and I want to continue to do that without only benefitting the company that I don't actually work for.

I've looked into having a Patron as an option, but I'm not sure how that would work for something like a serial, or if people would rather use something like that. 

Most importantly, you lovely folk who have stuck with the series won't be losing the story any time soon, and people who want to have the books offline can buy them and help me support my coffee and writing habit.

Thank you so much!  

Time of ScornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora