Chapter 10: congrats to the new captain

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Levi put down his holo-rib once he was done voting. After Libba had disrupted the normal debates, people had shouted out questions, the candidates had to defend themselves in a much less sterile conversation. Levi liked it. People seemed more engaged this way. He had messaged Lully some of the questions from the room, and Lully had jumped in to ask them. A couple questions focused on Libba's qualifications.

"Well, I didn't wake up this morning and decide to run for office," she admitted. "But I have the same degree Dashiell has. And I've run nonprofits, um, there's not really an equivalent here. Like a private department that has a goal, for instance, we were trying to get food supplies to needy children across the country. And I've been buried in archives for several weeks now. I think I may know our history better than anyone. I'm ready to have real conversations between departments instead of the infighting we have now."

Austen hadn't conceded on stage, but she deferred her questions to Libba so she could have a chance to speak. Levi wondered what the conversation in the Turner berth would be like after these debates. Probably not pleasant.

"Harper's down another person," Alcott remarked.

"Not yet," Levi replied. "You can sort of make him and Cameron out on the holo; he's been shaking his head when Libba talks."

"Because he knows he's down another person," Alcott repeated with a giggle.

When the questions slowed down and it seemed that no one else was speaking, Lully hopped back up on the stage.

"I've amended the vote already to include our late arrival," Lully told everyone. "You should all have the link to the voting page now. Last chance, Vertov."

The meeting hall chuckled.

"Never again!" Levi could hear.

"Well then, voting is now open!"

Lully pressed something on his holo-rib and everyone's chimed both in the meeting hall and in Anatoly's berth. Levi grabbed his holo-rib and tossed Alcott's to her. It was a quiet moment as all the adults voted.

"That was more interesting that it was supposed to be," Rivera laughed, putting her holo-rib in her pocket. She let out a deep sigh. "Merci beaucoup for having us over, Anatoly."

"I'm glad for the company," Anatoly replied. "Truly. Someone help me finish these muffins lest Alcott think we didn't like them. Sky, would you like a muffin?"

"Sure!" Sky raced up and took one, splitting in half and darted to the other side of the room to sit with a boy who had come with his father. He took the muffin half suspiciously. His father, a Canary member that Levi didn't recognize, encouraged his son to try it.

Alcott sighed. "I wished I had taken a photo of Dashiell's face when Libba stood up. He was not happy. So confused. We don't have the right word for whatever emotion he was feeling."

"Disjointed?" Levi offered.

She considered. "That would work."

"Do you think they'll announce soon?" asked Narayan, from environmental.

"I would think so," Anatoly replied. "They usually like to give it a couple minutes, in case someone 's holo-rib malfunctions or they can't figure it out. Congress decided to send Lully the information, so it'll be up to him. He'll know how many people haven't voted."

She leaned against her countertop and ate a slice of an apple. "What do you think, Levi? Should we bet on it?"

"Seem rude," he offered with a laugh. "And I'm not on congress anymore. It doesn't affect me as much; well, until someone decides to put me in another department against my will."

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