Chapter 5: tourneytime

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Tyson wiped his face and grinned at Dylan. The tournament was going well, and he was a little surprised how well the turnout was. People were laughing and talking. He noticed a couple people staring at the bullet holes that Keller and he had tried to cover, but there had been so much damage that he wanted to focus on distracting people rather than perfecting the room. His goal was for Alcott someday be able to walk into this room, but that was a far-off goal. Right now, he was happy that people were able to enjoy themselves.

Dylan bounded up with a towel draped around her shoulders. Her team had just won; beaten Lully's previously undefeated team. She grinned back at Tyson.

"This is fun," she said. "Rotated, but fun. And I think I'm winning."

"Your team is," Tyson teased. "Lully finally isn't. I thought the builds team would be more competitive."

"Me too," Dylan agreed. "Do you have a break?"

"Yeah, we're playing next round," Tyson replied. "Have you gotten any water?"

Dylan shook her head and they headed over to the water coolers. Tyson had to get them printed with his own money, not a hardship, but he found it a little irritating he didn't have his own budget for events like this. Madison needed her funds and he didn't feel comfortable going around her just yet.

"This has been fun," Lully clapped Tyson on the shoulder. "Even if I lost a match. I'll come back and win this, you'll see."

Lully, had he been on Earth, would have been a star football player. He was tall and broad and muscular, if a touch slow footed. Tyson imagined that he and Lully would not have been friends on Earth; Lully would have been one of those popular jocks pushing people into lockers. But instead, he was one of the friendliest people on the base.

"Sure, sure," Dylan laughed. "You'll have to get past my team, Lully."

"Levi's coming over," Tyson mentioned, shifting to one foot to let the other man through.

Tyson didn't know what to make of Dylan's and Levi's relationship. Dylan seemed to think they were through, but one glance at Levi made it clear that such an opinion wasn't mutual. He smiled at Dylan, offering her the selection of fruit and cookies that had made it onto his plate.

"Well, that was an exciting game," he smiled. "Lully, what was all that bluster about never losing?"

"Ha ha," Lully shot back. "I didn't want anyone feel like this day was rigged, that's all."

He drained his glass of water and excused himself to check on Esperanza. Tyson was a little concerned that Lully and she planned to stay the whole day, but Blair promised that he'd convince the two to go home for a little while. He didn't want this tournament to be the reason Esperanza was tired next week.

"I'm headed home," Levi remarked to Dylan. "I'm glad I saw you play; best of luck for the rest of the tournament."

"I'll need it," Dylan laughed. "Lully will be ready next time. Environmental still has a few tricks of our sleeves."

Levi laughed and headed around the ongoing game to the main doorway. Tyson watched him go before turning to Dylan who was frowning at the disappearing form of her partner.

"He cancelled lunch yesterday," Dylan said to Tyson's unspoken question. "I feel bad that I don't mind not seeing him. Like, I'm glad we're friends, but..."

"We should talk about this not here," Tyson pointed out, noting all the people around them. While Dylan might not have a problem with others overhearing, Tyson was sure that Levi would.

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