Time of Scorn: Update

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So.... I've been sorta radio silent, and for that I apologize. I can tell you that I got food poisoning, wrecked my car, traveled the country for several jobs and got a new permanent job, but all that is incidental to the story so:

I'm rewriting Time of Scorn. Y'all know it's not great. I certainly know and I'm embarrassed by its mediocrity. So I'll be taking it down, rewriting it, and putting it back up. Many things will still be the same, but I realized last week that the...the timeline is too close together and doesn't let the story breathe. There's nothing new to learn, and a lot of the drama is like, a week ago meaning that no one has had time to think anything differently. It's like being stuck in a whirlpool. 

It's going to take me a little bit to get my bearings and enough chapters to feel confident with the characters and the story's trajectory. I hope to have the book done by summer's end, but I don't know what this summer brings and don't want to promise too much. I should have updates by June for sure, but I was certainly tired of feeling....abashed by my poor storytelling. That's not fair to you or to me. 

I'll try to update this story with some fun one-shots while you wait, maybe from other various members of the base or some little Q and A like last time but since I just got home, and my fingers keep dislocating, we'll see. I don't want to promise things I can't fulfill. 

Feel free to ask me any questions, or share any comments or concerns. This has been an insane year for me, and I'm grateful for your patience.


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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