Important News

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Hey ppl!! Got an important news for you all.. Here it goes...

So! (abhigyaworld) Abhigyaworld is holding
1. Abhigya Awards 2018 🎊 🏆


2. One-shot Competetion 🎉🏆

Those who don't know, Abhigyaworld is a joint account managed by a group of Abhigya writers (@FatimaKhan813   , @suba30 , @Prathi1412 , @Live_Till_It_Hurts,@---anu--- @ImAbhigyaShabir and @aditi_roy).

It's for all Abhigyans and Abhigya fandom to unite. There you'll find almost all abhigya fanfics.

That too, each fic are categorized specifically in different categories like Abhigya Selected Best, Abhigya Fantasy Fics, Abhigya Humor Fics, Etc etc...

🎆 New writers can request Abhigyaworld to add their Abhigya fics there and Abhigyaworld can let out a shout-out for your fics for all the Abhigyans that follow that account.

🎆 As for readers, you'll find various Abhigya fics and also be kept up-to-date with the latest updates!

So if you still haven followed it, go now! Go go go!



Now, coming back to the awards and competition.


👉 Votings have begun already! So go an vote for the fics that you believe deserve the awards.

👉 Everyone can vote!

👉 One voter can vote for 3 fics under a catagory. If there are 3 fics only under a catagory, vote for 2. If there are 2, vote for 1.

👉 Votes to be given by commenting inline as "+1" on the fic name.


Here, every reader or writer can write can write an one-shot of their own and submit it to enter the competition.

But! Here's the catch.

You cannot enter an already typed fic.

You must enter a brand new fic which you must have started on or after 14th of January, 2018.

Any fic that had been already published before this date will be rejected right away!

🌺 How's this award different from the rest of the awards you might ask. 🌺

Well, the difference is that it's not only for WRITERS, but also READERS and anyone who is willing to write a one-shot on AbhiGya.

There will be different categories of the one-shots as well. Be sure that it will be challenging, thrilling and exciting!

Most importantly, add the tag #CrownofOneShot to your fic in the tags as well as the title.

Hope you all will participate! Everyone that is in, give comment as "I'm in."

Since it will be based on judging and not votes, everyone has a chance of winning.


Abhigyaworld has invited heartily all of you to participate.

🌺 Do vote for the deserving fics in Abhigya Awards 2018. any information you need will be there in their fic, ABHIGYA AWARDS 2018.

🌺 Do take part in the One-shots Competition too dear writers and, most importantly, readers! Any information you need will be on their ONE-SHOTS COMPETITION fic.


Tag as many as you can. After all, sharing is caring.


I will be updating this story coming Sunday, till the bubye 😉

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