*Christmas* One-Shot Lemon

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Hi everyone..... please don't kill me but I meant to update a while ago but as you know
didn't. Well this is a late Christmas special so enjoy.

(Y/N) P.O.V

Christmas is tomorrow, Yuma's and I favorite holiday. We bake treats, make lots of food and pig out the rest of the day. As of right now we're in Victoria secret and trust me I'm not the one who  wanted to be here. You'd probably never guess that Yuma was the kind that liked lingerie but he always drags me in here. I mean really I probably have over fifty different pairs.

"(Y/N) do you like this one?" Yuma asked holding up a hot pink laced bra and thong.

"It's cute" I smiled.

He then put it with the others on his arm. We walked throughout the store and of course something else attracted Yuma's attention.

"This one for sure" he said.

In his hand was a Christmas themed lingerie. It was a red corset with two little green bows, it came with green stockings, white gloves and rain deer antlers.

"Awe this is so cute, let's checkout" I said walking to the register.

After Victoria Secret we walked around the mall buying each other different things like perfume, cologne, jewelry and household goods. After the mall we went the Walmart and bought some groceries for Christmas dinner tomorrow. On the way home we stopped and got some fast food since we'd be cooking all day tomorrow. When we got home we put everything away and took a hot shower together.

"Yuma your brothers are coming tomorrow right?" I asked laying down on the bed.

"Yeah but I'll keep them in check" he confirmed.

"It's fine" I sighed snuggling into my pillow.

"What do you think your doing?" Yuma asked hovering over me smirking.

"I'm trying to sleeping" I laughed.

"I'll let you sleep later, but right now try this on" he demanded holding up one of the new lingeries.

"But Yuma" I whined.

"Now (Y/N)" he demanded.

"F-fine" I said submitting.

"That's my good girl" he said with a smile.

I got up taking off my robe,I grabbed the lingerie and slipped it on. I turned around so Yuma could tie the bow and then faced him.

"This is very cute on you" he praised me as he circled around.

"Thank you Yuma" I smiled then was pushed back onto the bed.

"Now that we've had a show let's play a little" he said crawling on top of me.

I woke up with my back aching, looking over at Yuma he was still asleep. I got up going to the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I felt thirsty so I wrapped a towel around me and went downstairs to the kitchen. I went to the fridge and got a package of blood that our local blood bank donates, pouring it into a glass I threw the empty bag away and sat on the living room couch.

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