Books (Logan)

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                                                                                              ~(Y/N) Pov~

I groan, walking through the library. I had started school again for (Major) and I was looking for books, but no luck so far. Logan had talked me into going and he said he would buy me the stuff, but I told him not to. However, it seemed like the only option so far. Unless I ask the librarian, but I doubt they have anything on it.

I slowly walk up to  the front desk and take a deep breath before ringing the tiny bell. the lady with graying hair walks up to me with a soft smile. " What is it you're looking for sweetie?" Her voice was soft and frail, but audible. I force a smile and hand her a folded paper from my pocket with all the books I needed. " you have any of these?" She looks it over before handing the paper back. " No, I'm sorry honey. You might want to try Goodwill, they might have some." My fake smile falls quickly, my hope crashing with it. " No ma'am, I've already checked. Thank you though." The lady pats my shoulder and gives me an apologetic smile." I hope you can find them. Good luck sweetheart." I nod and walk out the store, heading home.

~Time Skip~

I walk into my apartment and set my bag down onto the table. Logan must have be asleep because he's not on the couch reading. I sigh and go to the kitchen, passing a couple of textbooks about (major) on my way to the refrigerator.I grab a glass before walking to the counter again. I set the glass down and look at the books. There were was a note on the top book with very neat handwriting.


It has come to my attention that you could not find any books on what you are studying for, so I took it upon myself to help you meet your requirements for your studies. I hope this is what you need for you to excel in college and I hope this is a way to show my care for you and your education. I hope you know that I do in fact has passion for you even though I may not show it and I hope you can forgive me. I am not home because I am getting nutritious supplements for us. I will be back shortly.  

~ Your significant other

I smile, wiping away tear that run down my cheeks. I love Logan and he loves me, I can tell. He is my caring nerd and I don't ever want to lose him. 

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