Another Side of Me {Part 2}

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Mentions of Self-Harm, fighting, and degrading. Mental abuse

{Virgil x Reader}


 He watches and listens to (Y/N) as she tells him of her ideas for the painting and Virgil tells her the events of the videos they shot that day.

They did this through the night until they both fall asleep, exhausted but happy.

The cafeteria buzzed with sluggish activity as the sides got breakfast and went to their tables, most still fighting to keep their eyes opened. The aroma of coffee and different teas wafted through the air, setting the atmosphere into somewhat of a lazy air. No one tried to get at each others throat and rumors were at a stand still. Everyone was too tired, or hungry, to start gossip and fights. All the sides made a quiet agreement that during the early times of day, no one would bother anyone simply because no one really wanted to deal with it before sunrise. 

However, today everyone seemed to make an exception when Virgil and (Y/N) walked into the large area. Both wore smiles and laughs followed them down the halls. It caught attention to the others, because today was an odd day. Patton was feeling unusually lighthearted and rose early with the intent on actually doing something today, and it actually affected Thomas. This, in turn, meant everyone just had this...feeling. Everyone was motivated and woke up before the 'sun' and got the day started. 

The two friends hadn't planed on this, each being one of the few sides who were natural early risers, and became shocked when all eyes and raised eyebrows were trained on them. Virgil and (Y/N) were seen as the quiet and "gloomy" friends due to your jobs. The only ones that new differently were Patton, Roman, and Logan..but that was only for Virgil. (Y/N) always kept to herself, away from peering eyes and judgmental comments. Due to her brothers reputation, she was even granted a nick name; Little Serpent.  Something, to her, that represented a mischievous, dishonest, manipulative thing that shouldn't be trusted. A 'traitor'. Someone who would switch sides, much like...

"Well, I guess Virgil's trying to get others to believe in his way." The voice ripped the silence in half, the scrapping of the chair as Deceit sat up making (Y/N)'s heart stop before beating quickly, her breaths becoming shallower. She knew Virgil was feeling the same way, considering how close they worked together. She could tell as her brother's steps got louder, closer, the clicking of his shoes pounding is her skull, the sound quickly brewing a headache... 

"I'm sorry..." The words were whispered, not fully reaching their target. Who had been her target? Her brother or the boy standing next to her? Both of their eyes darted to her, all eyes darted to her. She hadn't whispered, had she? Maybe it was more than a whisper, she had seen Virgil flinch when she spoke. At least, she thought he had flinched. But was it from her voice, or the simple fact that he was standing next to her? She had to look, but she was frozen. She needed to, to make sure he was okay. She didn't mean to turn so quickly, to grab his arms as tight as she did. She didn't meant to grab him at all, but she did. Of course she did, she liked the way his warmth surrounded her. How his smell wrapped around her, calmed her down. But she was never calm, and he didn't like it when she touched him. How did she know, she never asked? But his face said it all, the terrified look on his face as she held his arms. She could see his mouth move, but he didn't say anything. Did he? She never was good at paying attention. She was never good at anything, because she didn't care. She didn't deserve this, she didn't deserve him. She just bothered him because she liked his company. She was so selfish, like her brother. The brother that stood in front of them, a sly smirk painted on his face as he crossed his arms. 

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