Meeting New People..

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While Ms. Jackson went over the rules and expectations for her class I was contemplating on whether I wanted to go to sleep or listen.

Since its the first day its not like I'll have to do anything that important. Resting my head on the desk and closing my eyes thinking about my parents I get dragged out of my thoughts by a tap on my arm. Ughhhh what do you want? I think while slowly lifting my head.

Guess who it was. That chick from the hallway. "Well are you gone say something or stare at me until the bell rings"? I asked smartly.

She cut her eyes at me, placed a hand on her hip and said "Listen here you lit-

"Mann Destiny go sit down bruh, don't nobody wanna hear you deep ass voice" a guy to my left said to who I guess is talking to Destiny. "Nobody was talking to you Kingston so I suggest you mind your business" she retorted. "Shouldn't you be at the clinic right now"? he replied with his right eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face. "Ooohh" "Daaammnn" "She Dirty" "Awh man I was just 'bout to ask for some dome after school" A group of people said after Kingston's remark.

Well I guess lil baby gets around.

"You know what, you can have your seat" I say batting my lashes and plastering a fake smile on my face and sliding out her seat.

I slowly turn as my scan the room for a empty seat. Right behind that Kingston guy.

I sigh and walk over to it.  I hope this goes well.

I finally make it across the room to the seat. "Hi, is this seat taken"? I asked.

"Naa" he says while watching my every move making me feel a bit uncomfortable but, I shrug it off.

"Aight" I replied while planting my bottom in the seat.


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