The Unnecessary Continuation

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You wake up from your feverish sleep.

"hey," A huge, ugly frog hops over to you. "Stop talking."

You rub eyes with your hands, and the frog turns into a human.

"You were looking at me like I was a frog, for a second, there," He says. "Anyway," He sets down a bowl of corn kernels by your bed, and you eagerly pour them into your mouth, breaking several teeth in the process, but you do not care. You am too hungry. You notice that there is an IV sticking out of your army-arm appendage.

"Hey, I'm in a hospital!"

"Yep, you are, stupid. Back to our original subject- Tomatos are poisonous!"

"Wait," you was confused. "What...?"

The nurse took the earpiece out of his ear. "Sorry- I was arguing with the revolutionaries. What were we discussing?"

"Me." You say.

"Oh, yeah. You were yellin your sleep about a person named Leonard and his children, or somthin," The nurse said.

"K," You say. "Can I escape?"

"Sure, why not!" He says.

"Great!" You jump out of bed and jump out of the window, waving goodbye to the slimy, green frogman.

You are ready to begin a new chapter in your morbid, unbelievable (and often unrealistic) life!

Hope you enjoyed.

Actually, nvmind, I don't care. But yes, I do. So yeah, I hope you enjoyed. Yay. See you on the other side of the war...?

-Smallish Potato

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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