Night 3 (Cleaning)

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C'est une histoire étrange.

I own nothing!




Haruhi didn't even try to stay up. It seemed that she was going through the worst bit of her illness, and was completely exhausted.

In fact, she was so tired that she had barely gotten out of bed all day. As a result, her apartment was in the worst state it had ever been. So she slept peacefully unaware that her home was going to once again be invaded by her friends. And even if she did, I don't think she'd care much at the moment.

&&1 a.m.&&

Huni was shocked to see the mess that had become Haruhi's apartment. Haruhi had always struck him as a tidy person, so the mess was all that more shocking.

A quick check around the kitchen and bathroom showed that she was completely out of cleaning supplies.

Before Huni could even say anything, Hikaru was already out the door and heading to the supermarket for the much-needed items. Mori was staring at the dishes like they had personally offended him. And Kaoru was standing in the middle of the living room, wondering how a washing machine worked.

The shortest member sighed, it was going to be a long night.

&&&2 a.m.&&&

When the guard at the desk saw Hikaru running back through the doors, he decided that it was high time to find out why the majority of his all-time favorite band was here. Stopping the electric guitar player, the guard asked, "So I know you're probably busy, but you and your brother have been coming here for three nights in a row. Why?"

Despite being in a some-what rush, Hikaru smirked, "No reason you need to worry about." With that, the twin ran past the night guard and headed up to Haruhi's apartment.

&&&&3 a.m.&&&&

When Hikaru got back, Huni sighed in relief and stated that the twins would be responsible for taking out the trash and that after taking the already full bags out they would help Mori with the dishes.

Then Huni quickly explained how to wash dishes without breaking anything. But finally, Huni was able to get into the brunt of the cleaning.

In that moment Haruhi stirred in her bed, shifting to get more comfortable.

The boys all froze. It felt like an eternity had passed before they allowed themselves to breathe again. One by one they began to start on their respective chore.

&&&&&4 a.m.&&&&&

The cleaning was going along well, and Mori had decided to make a light early breakfast for everyone.

A toasted egg sandwich was enough to make the twins and Huni much less likely to start arguing with each other, and it made Mori a little less angry to do the dishes. The four worked on eggshells, keeping as quiet as possible because they didn't want to disturb Haruhi.

She hadn't moved in a while but they were still being extra cautious.

But on the bright side, Huni was almost done with cleaning. So he'd be able to go home and get some sleep, however little that may be.

&&&&&&5 a.m.&&&&&&

Hikaru and Kaoru collapsed on the couch in exhaustion. Huni had had them running up and down the stairs for a good fifteen minutes taking out trash bags.

But the cleaning was finally done, and they would go home... Right after the twins caught their breath.

Huni tied up the last bag of trash, he was half tempted to ask Hikaru to take it out for him, but since they were already leaving, Huni would just carry it himself.

Mori was finishing up Haruhi's breakfast, it was light and shouldn't upset her stomach too much, at least that's what he hoped.

Finally, the four band members left the small apartment, in a much better state than it had been when they arrived.

&&&&&&&6 a.m.&&&&&&&

Haruhi's eyes opened for a split second before determining that it was way too bright for her and promptly slipped back into her fever-induced dream state.

It would be another few hours before the haze faded. When it finally did, Haruhi was starving and not at all looking forward to the mess that would await her, that she would need to clean.

But to her surprise her apartment was spotless.

After the initial thankfulness for not having to clean while sick, Haruhi began to get annoyed, because that meant that those boys had broken into her home again. With a sigh, Haruhi heated up the food that Mori had left for her and resolved to call their manager later in the day.


Night 3 is complete!

It seems that Haruhi is kicking the illness's butt!

Please comment what you thought!

See ya next time!

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