Night 5 (Found Out)

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Dernière nuit!

Commentez si vous souhaitez un épilogue?

Je ne possède rien!

Prendre plaisir!



None of them wanted to do this after they'd heard about the dreaded phone call. But Tamaki had insisted, as he was the only one of them that hadn't snuck out yet to see Haruhi's apartment.

Mori tried to tell him that it was a bad idea and that Haruhi could take care of herself.

Hikaru told Tamaki about the bags of trash they'd hauled out and that her house was probably in perfect condition now.

Kaoru went for a more direct approach and told him he was insane to try and drag the rest of them down with him.

Huni had warned Tamaki that if Haruhi found any of them in her apartment, she'd kill them all.

Kyoya said nothing and just shook his head at how stupid the lead singer could be at times.

\\1 a.m.//

Haruhi was in a deep sleep dreaming about a bear arguing with a bunny, a chicken, and a fox holding a balloon that was also yelling at the bear, all while a puppet watched from a safe distance.

When she bolted up straight sweating, she blamed the cold that was trying to make a come back.

After a few minutes, Haruhi turned on some calming music and tried to go back to sleep.

\\\2 a.m///

All six of them were very careful sneaking into the apartment building. Apparently, the regular night desk guard had caught the flu and was bedridden. Just their luck.

But they did manage, somehow.

Even after they were all at Haruhi's apartment door, they were still trying to talk Tamaki out of it. Saying that Haruhi really would kill all of them. Unfortunately, Tamaki was thick headed and stubborn. So they were going.

Honestly, the only reason the others didn't abandon him to his fate, is that they were all really good friends and if one of them was going to be murdered, well he wasn't going to do it alone.

So after a little more whisper pleading, the twins unlocked her door and opened it.

\\\\3 a.m////

The first thing they all noticed was the soft music wafting through the apartment, it made them all sleepy.

Telling the others to wake him up when they were done, Huni walked over to the couch, that looked extremely comfy and fell asleep.

Hikaru and Kaoru separated from the others to get in a little more snooping since they'd only really had one night to do it.

Mori stood by the door, making sure no one with less than honorable intentions tried to break in.

Tamaki was all a glitter, going from one point to the next like an anime character.

Kyoya rolled his eyes and sat down at the table to work on a paper he was writing.

\\\\\4 a.m./////

Little did any of them know, but their moving about had woken Haruhi up from the light sleep she'd managed to find herself in. And she was not happy to be awake before dawn. So Haruhi decided to take it out on the ones who'd decided to break in.

\\\\\\5 a.m.//////

The first ones she came across, were Hikaru and Kaoru, who were snooping around in her bathroom. Grabbing each one by a shoulder, she glared at the two through the mirror. "You know, it's considered extremely impolite to raid a lady's bathroom without her permission."

Both were frozen to the spot, pale-faced and wishing they'd tried harder to convince Tamaki to stay home.

Then she dragged them both out into the living room, where the other four were, although Huni was still sleeping.

At the sound of three sets of footsteps, the other three conscious members of the band all turned their attention to the open bathroom door. Where Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi were. The former two looking like they were about to faint from fear.

Mori kept his face neutral but was crying on the inside. Kyoya was much the same, but instead, he was praying that she didn't kill the five of them, and maybe Tamaki.

Tamaki, on the other hand, was horrified and his face showed it.

All of this intensified when Haruhi spoke, "You are all dead."

\\\\\\\6 a.m.///////

The first thing she'd done after sitting them all down on the couch with threats on their lives if they moved, was call their manager and tell him to get his butt over to her place so that he could collect the six idiots. Those were her exact words.

Then she stood in front of them and glared.

Not a single one really expected for there to be much left of them to collect when the manager got there.


So that's Night 5 wrapped up!

Please please comment what you think!

See ya next time!

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